After the excellent “Booster” episode of Smallville at 8, the Winchester Brothers of Supernatural travel 150 years back in time on the April 22 episode of their CW series.

While back in time, they meet Samuel Colt – yes, the guy with the gun, whose found journal is what sends them on this journey in the first place. They also run into somebody who seems turns his victims into what look like piles of ash.

I love time travel stories. Doctor Who is one of my favorite TV series and Back to the Future is my favorite movie of all time. Some of the best humor from “Frontierland” comes from BTTF references – either intentional or unintentional, with a really amusing BTTF sequel callback near he end. The nicknames that Sam and Dean come up with while back in time are particularly amusing. I believe they’ve been spoiled already in preview clips; in case they haven’t, I’ll keep quiet. There’s a lot of visual humor – some of it subtle – and it is clear that everyone involved with the show had fun making it.

Castiel has own challenges including a colleague who is not afraid of telling Sam and Dean what she really thinks of them. Misha Collins’ Castiel is right up there with Jim Beaver’s Bobby among those characters that add greatly to the Supernatural canvas.

If I have any complaint about “Frontierland,” is that it seems to continue the notion of “let’s put Sam and Dean in a wacky situation to make our fandom go nuts” rather than something deep like the story that went back to the early 1970’s had done. There is a story reason for the change, but it seemed more like an excuse to do a Western cosplay. Regardless, this is a fun episode and a great second half to an already good Friday night of television.

You can find a gallery of images from the episode here at KSiteTV and you’re all invited to join us on our Supernatural forum. It’s already a good crowd but we’d always welcome new posters!

KSiteTV also has a Supernatural hub here with images and spoilers from the final episodes of Season 6. You can find all of our compiled Supernatural news here.


KSiteTV Editor-In-Chief Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.

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