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Season Six episode one

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  • #61
    Metallo kinda reminds me of Cyborg


    • #62
      SMALLVILLE – Season Six; Episode VI: Hero Part 4

      Lex hurried into the room that used to be used for the Kent investigation. Now it was kind of his own intelligence network. He had everything he needed to keep close eyes on the rest of America right in this room. And he also had Metallo’s tracking device. Good: he was still at the apartment with Chloe in Suicide Slums. He walked over to the phone and dialed.
      “Hello?” Metallo’s chilling voice.
      “Kill her,” Lex snapped.
      “Kill Sullivan. Things are getting too complicated. Kill her and plant her body by Lionel’s. Then go after Kent and Lane.”
      He hung up then. He turned, taking a deep breath. He just ordered his employee to kill the people who had befriended him when no one else had. But he couldn’t think about that now. He closed his eyes, envisioning Lana’s anger at him. Well, he’d have to face her sooner or later. He smiled, heading out of the room and locking the door.
      He was sure after a little wooing Lana would be fine.


      Chloe jumped when Metallo banged in hastily. And he was carrying a gun.
      “This is it,” he said coldly. “How do you want it?”
      Tears flooded her eyes.
      “Please,” she whispered. “You don’t have to do this.”
      “Yes!” he shouted, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her to her feet. “Yes, I do!”
      He put the gun to her forehead, and Chloe knew this was it. But then there was a sound in the living room, and Metallo paused. He moved the gun away and pushed her back to the ground. He put a finger to his metal lips, signaling her to stay quiet. Chloe wanted to scream, but knew that if she did, she would be dead –
      Clark burst through the far wall, sending wood and drywall all over the place. Metallo flinched and Chloe crawled out of the way. Clark was on top of Metallo in seconds, and the gun was sliding on the floor toward Chloe.
      “Chloe!” Clark yelled.
      “Clark!” she replied.
      She nodded, taking the gun in her hands and struggling to her feet. Her ankle still hurt, and it seemed to take forever just to get to the door.
      Metallo pushed Clark off of him and sped for Chloe. He got her by the shoulder and pulled her back into the room. Chloe whirled around, firing the gun blindly. Lead bullets ricocheted everywhere. Clark dove for Chloe, covering her with his body. He felt the bullets hit him harmlessly. Then Metallo had him by the jacket, and he was flying across the room. Chloe screamed as Metallo loomed over her, a big demon of metal. But a blast of heat from Clark’s eyes caused the machinery inside the robot’s arm to overheat, and he recoiled pain.
      “Run, now!” Clark said.
      This time Chloe sprinted, never mind the sore ankle, for the exit. Clark turned back toward Metallo, but the big robot leapt up, blasting through the ceiling and into the sky. Clark turned to look for Chloe, but she was gone. He figured she could handle herself.
      He took a big breath and turned, face toward the heavens. He felt the sun hit his face, and energy surged through his body. He’d only flown a couple of times in his life, and he’d never really enjoyed it. But people’s lives depended on it. He let out the breath and took off–up, up, and away into the sky after Metallo.


      Chloe screamed when she felt arms around her, but then began to cry with joy when she realized it was Jimmy. He’d met her in the hallway.
      “Chloe!” he said, tears in his own eyes. “You’re okay!”
      Lois was running up to them, crying herself.
      “Chloe!” she gasped.
      They embraced, all of them sinking them to the floor.
      “How’d you get out of there?” Lois asked after a little while.
      “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Chloe smiled. “Let’s get out of here.”
      The other two nodded and they headed for Lois’s car.


      Clark still had to get a handle on this flying thing. He took an unexpected right turn and veered terribly off course. Metallo was at least two miles ahead of him, but Clark was using his supernatural sight to keep Metallo in view. But by using the telescopic vision, he screwed up his flying method. He flew through a cloud and lost his bearings. He righted himself and paused, listening intently until he could hear the faint sound of a distant engine, and he knew which direction to go.


      Lana walked from the office out into the hall. She gazed at the wooden walls, traced her finger along the marble edging. And that’s when she came to the decision.
      This wasn’t what she wanted. She didn’t love Lex. She’d never loved Lex. She sighed, tears coming to her eyes. What a fool she’d been. She had to break it off. She couldn’t go on like this. And it wasn’t fair to Lex to stay. She had to tell him.
      She felt a cold hand on her shoulder and she jumped, turning.
      A scream got stuck in her throat when she saw the red glowing eyes. Or maybe it was the metal hand around her throat.
      “Take me to your husband,” Metallo said harshly. “Or I’ll squeeze.”
      Lana tried her best to nod.
      “Good,” he muttered, releasing her.
      Her feet touched the floor.
      “Walk,” he said.
      She obeyed. Lex was in the bedroom on the second floor. The stairs were all the way down the hall. Between the stairs and herself was the hidden panel that contained Lex’s pistol. She was forming a plan in her head, and realized that she hadn’t moved. The robot was getting impatient. She had to stall.
      “What do you want with Lex?”
      “We have some unfinished business to attend to. Walk.”
      He pushed her forward. Lana headed down the hall, couting the panels in her head. Fourteen was the one the gun was in. All she had to do was get there, slide open the panel, grab the gun, turn, and shoot. Or maybe she should turn, slide open the panel, grab the gun, and then shoot. Blast! She was there. She didn’t even think. She lunged for the panel, throwing it open and grabbing the gun. Metallo hadn’t seen that coming and took a second to react. Lana had the gun by then, though, and was on the floor, firing a round at him. Of course, the bullets bounced off harmlessly. But now Lex and half of his security team were running down the steps, all armed. Lex’s eyes went wide when he saw Metallo standing over Lana menacingly.
      “Lana!” he shouted.
      His men raised their weapons.
      “Don’t shoot!” he yelled.
      His men lowered their weapons. Lex dropped his gun to the ground, staring at Metallo, who nodded. Then he ran for Lana. She rose into his arms.
      “What do you want?” Lex said to Metallo.
      Metallo came for him, grabbed him by the collar.
      “We need to talk,” he said.
      Then they were in the air, Metallo and Lex, through the ceiling and into the sky. Lana stared up in confusion.
      “Ma’am?” she turned to see Grant, the head of security, coming toward her. “Are you okay?”
      Clark was coming down the hall toward them. The security once again raised their weapons.
      “Wait!” Lana said, stepping in front of Clark. “He’s okay.”
      Disappointed, the men lowered their weapons.
      “Don’t just stand there,” Lana said harshly. “Find my husband.”
      They sprung into action, and soon Lana and Clark were alone in the hall.
      “What do you want, Clark?” she said.
      “Lana, I think Lex is in trouble. Where is he?”
      “I don’t know.”
      “What happened?”
      “Some robot…robot came and took Lex. They flew…he took him.”
      Clark fell silent, thinking. Where would Metallo take Lex?


      They were back at Level 33.1. Metallo dropped a shaken Lex to the ground.
      “This is getting out of hand, Luthor,” Metallo bellowed. “I want out.”
      “You can’t get out, John,” Lex said, rising slowly. “I own you now.”
      “Not if I kill you!” Metallo said, taking Lex’s head in his hands and squeezing.
      Lex’s eyes widened.
      “Wait!” he gasped. “Wait!”
      Metallo let him go, and once again Lex tried to compose himself.
      “Talk, Luthor,” Metallo said, crossing his metal arms. “You have one minute to convince me not to kill you. And with all the reasons I have to kill you, that’s not much time.”
      “Just…wait,” Lex said.
      Then he pulled from his pocket the trigger device to the explosive inside the other’s metallic body. Lex backed up quickly, not wanting Metallo to stop him before he even got started. But Metallo’s bright red eyes had darkened. He knew.
      “You won’t kill me, because if I die this trigger goes off, and you get blasted into a billion little pieces.”


      It took some doing, but Clark finally managed to supersede to Metropolis Hospital. He found Chloe’s room and entered. He was surprised Lois wasn’t there. Jimmy was faithfully by her side, though.
      “Would you excuse us, Jimmy?” Clark asked as politely as he could. “I have to talk to Chloe. Privately.”
      “Sure,” Jimmy said softly. He turned to Chloe. “I’ll be right back.”
      She smiled at him assuredly. He left and Clark sat in his place.
      “Chloe, I know this is going to be hard for you, but I need you to tell me everything you know about Metallo. Did he tell you anything about himself?”
      Chloe closed her eyes, remembering.
      “His name. He told me his name. It’s John Corben.”
      Their eyes widened in unison. Clark’s for the first time, Chloe just remembering.
      “LuthorCorp,” they spoke at the same time.
      And Clark was gone.


      “Hold on,” Metallo cried, putting his hands up. “Let’s both just calm down.”
      “It’s too late, for that, John,” Lex smiled. “You’ve overstepped your boundaries.”
      “Please,” Metallo said again. “My children.”
      “Your children don’t think you’re alive anymore, John. And if you did see them again, do you think they’d recognize you? Accept you?”
      Metallo was shaking his head.
      “That’s what I thought,” Lex said. “So, technically I’m doing you a favor by ending it now.”
      “No…” Metallo groaned. “No…NO!”
      He lunged at Lex, taking the other man off guard. They tumbled to the ground, the trigger skidding away across the floor. Lex cried out, reaching for it. But Metallo had him by the legs, picking him up and hurling into the far wall. Lex hit the wall hard, then slid to the ground, unconscious. Metallo walked over, scraping his finger along the wall.
      “Time for you to pay,” he muttered.
      He raised his fist above Lex’s head, fully prepared to smash it in. Suddenly, Clark was there, holding his fist back.
      “Don’t!” he yelled. “Stop!”
      “Get out of the way, Kent!”
      That caused Metallo to pause. He turned and laid his red eyes on the other.
      “John, you don’t have to do this. Just let it go. Let it go…”
      Metallo’s eyes faded a little, and metal shoulders slouched.
      “You’re right,” he said softly. “You’re right.”
      He let his hand fall to his side. Clark backed up, breathing hard.
      “There you go,” he said.
      Metallo nodded solemnly, then cocked his head, getting an idea. He walked over to the trigger and crushed it under his foot. He turned back to Clark.
      “Hey, Kent.”
      Clark looked up at him.
      “Do me a favor?”
      Clark hesitated, then nodded.
      “Don’t follow me.”
      Then he was gone, through the wall, out into the night. Gone. Clark considered following, but figured John Corben wouldn’t be back anytime soon. He looked over at Lex, who was beginning to wake up. He then decided it was his time to exit as well.


      Thousands attended the funeral of Lionel Luthor the following day. A little section in the back was reserved for those from Smallville. Clark, Lois, Chloe, Pete, Jimmy, and Martha sat in a row. None spoke. Lex and Lana were up front, on the platform. Lex was staring off into the sky. He looked so detached, Clark thought. Finally, after the pianist stopped playing, Lex rose and walked to the podium.
      “My father’s death,” he paused to clear his throat, then continued, “My father’s death was a tragic, unexpected one. Many changes will come to the world because of his death…some for the worse, some for the better. Starting with LuthorCorp.”
      And then, just for a second, a hint of a smile flashed across Lex Luthor’s face.

      The End of Episode VI



      • #63
        Interesting I liked how you made John Corben life like it was tragedy. You almost made me sorry for him. Looking foward to more. Also liked how you made Clark struggling with flying and how he ran into a cloud
        Last edited by Dark Knight23; 08-24-2006, 06:12 AM.


        • #64
          SMALLVILLE – Season Six; Episode VII: Mermaid

          “What would you say if I told you I was going to sell the farm?”
          Clark whipped his head around so fast any normal human would’ve broken theirs. He was driving Martha to a Senatorial meeting in Metropolis on his way back to school.
          “What do you mean?” he said.
          “I mean…I’ve been thinking lately, and I believe it would be a wise move to just sell the farm and come to Metropolis.”
          Clark pulled into the parking lot of the United Nations building. He shifted the gear into park and turned off the car, leaning back, his eyes wide.
          “Are you serious?”
          “Well, yes. I mean, all my work is here in Metropolis, I barely have any time for the farm anymore, and I could be closer to you.”
          Clark was shaking his head.
          “Mom, that farm’s been in our family for–”
          “Generations, I know, I know,” Martha rolled her eyes. “It’s just…I think it’s time you and I moved on. Your destiny lies far beyond cornfields and some old barn.”
          Clark’s face was stone.
          “You don’t want to be late for your meeting.”
          Martha looked at him.
          “Your father would want–”
          “I’m going to be late to class, Mom.”
          Martha waited for a second, then sighed.
          “Okay,” she said. “I love you, sweetie.”
          She exited the truck and headed for the entrance of the building, her hands shoved into her pockets. Clark looked after her, telling himself that classes didn’t start for another hour. He pulled out onto the highway, wondering why on earth his mom would want to sell the farm–the place his father had worked so hard to keep going.


          Lex sat in the office of the newly appointed ‘LexCorp’ building. He sipped at his brandy, smiling to himself. After Lionel’s death, everything had fallen into place. Immediately following the lavish funeral (Lex’s had spent enough - $10,000!), Lex had renamed LuthorCorp with his name, and fired over twenty-two percent of the workforce, boosting the budget up considerably and taking care of the wasted expense of his father’s funeral. Now Lex was in total and complete control of his new business, and would no longer be held back by his father’s name. Yes, everything was definitely going his way.
          A knock on the door and Lana entered.
          “Hey,” he said, turning and setting down his brandy on the desk. “What can I do for you?”
          Lana barely smiled and only took a few steps into the room.
          “Lex,” she said. “I want a divorce.”


          Clark hurried through the halls, dying to use supersede but not being able to. He’d gotten caught up talking to Lois and Pete in the halls, and then he’d had to call Chloe and remind her that he was going to be late to work. She’d said it was okay, that Jimmy was covering for him. That was another thing, she and Jimmy seemed to be getting really close–
          He looked down when he accidentally bumped a wheel-chair riding girl, causing her to drop her books. He immediately bent to pick them up.
          “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I’m just in a really big hurry.”
          He looked up and was completely stunned. The girl was beautiful.
          “It’s okay,” she said, smiling. “Happens all the time, I guess.”
          “Well, it shouldn’t,” Clark managed to spit out.
          He handed her the books and extended his hands.
          “I’m Clark,” he said.
          “Nice to meet you Clark,” she giggled. “I’m Lori. Lori Lemaris.”

          To Be Continued…



          • #65
            Lana wants a divorce and Lori is introduced. This should be very interesting updates.


            • #66
              SMALLVILLE – Season Six; Episode VII: Mermaid Part 2

              Chloe Sullivan sat at her desk at the Daily Planet, staring at the screensaver on the monitor of her computer. Jimmy had gone to get some pictures of the Senatorial meeting at the UN. Chloe knew she should be heading over there as well, but was too caught up in her own thought life. She kept seeing Lionel’s dead body at the feet of Metallo. She kept seeing those horrifying blood-red eyes and that sleek cold metal. A chill ran up her spine as she remembered the heat of the place he’d kept her in, the terror she’d felt when he’d pulled a gun on her.
              But then she remembered the rescue. Clark Kent had come in all his super-human glory to save her. It in itself had been scary, but she had known that Clark would never let anything happen to her. He’d saved her time and time again, why would this time be any different?
              But it wasn’t Clark that stuck out in her mind the most. It was the safety she’d felt when she fallen into Jimmy’s arms that did.
              Part of her would always love Clark, but maybe there was a piece she could give to Jimmy…
              She snapped her head up, reflexively grabbing for her pad and pen. Perry White was coming toward her, a peeved expression on his face.
              “What are you doing here?” he yelled. “Get over to the UN! Senator Kent is about to speak!”
              “Sorry,” she muttered, scrambling out of her chair and grabbing her purse and keys.
              “You will be if you miss that speech!” Perry yelled after her.


              “What?” Lex couldn’t conceal his shock on this one.
              Everything going’s great, and then Lana suddenly wants a divorce?
              “Yes,” Lana said.
              He could tell that she’d rehearsed this many times, but she was still shaky.
              “This isn’t working,” she said. “I feel as if we’re strangers. I don’t even know you anymore. And I feel like all you care about…is the sex.”
              Lex was already walking toward her, his hands extended. She allowed him to take hers in his, but moved away when he tried to kiss her.
              “Lana, you’re wrong. I don’t feel that way. Although, it is a big plus.”
              He smiled at her. She wasn’t buying it.
              “I’m serious, Lex,” she said. “It’s over. I already called the attorney. The papers will be here tomorrow.”
              Lex set his jaw.
              “You can’t,” he muttered. “You can’t divorce me.”
              “You’re not the king of the world, Lex. And you’re not the king of mine, either.”
              She turned then, wrenching her hands from his and left. Lex stared after her in disbelief. Amazing how a good day can turn to hell just like that.
              But he wasn’t worried. Not at all. Lana wouldn’t be leaving him any time soon. He was sure of it. Anyways, he had other things to attend to. Intergang had just been formed, and he had a meeting with the newly appointed leader, Mxyptlk. Yes, after a year in Lex’s level 33.1, the man had finally come to his senses. And he was about to do good things for LexCorp.


              After their collide in the hallways, Clark had ended up walking Lori to class. They arrived at the door and Clark took a peek inside.
              “Marine biology,” he said, “Pretty cool.”
              “Yeah,” Lori said. “I think so, anyway. The ocean has always been like a second home to me.”
              She stopped suddenly, looking up at him. He caught the hint and handed her books back.
              “Thanks for walking me,” she said.
              “See you after class?” Clark tried. “Maybe?”
              She giggled again–he liked that giggle–and nodded.
              “Sure,” she said. “Meet me outside the dining common.”
              Clark smiled.
              She kept smiling at him until she disappeared into the classroom. And Clark couldn’t help but grin all the way to his astronomy class. Then he remembered with dismay that he had to pick up Martha from her meeting after class. He shifted in his seat, pondering. He could just grab a bite to eat with Lori really quick, and then speed over to the UN. Besides, it was right down the street, wasn’t it?


              Martha Kent was in the conference room of the UN building, running over her notes on her approaching speech. Needless to say she was horrified. Jonathan had always been better at this. He knew how to work the people, make them love him; make them want to do what he asked. All she could do was present her proposal and pray the people agreed. She looked up, pulling a strand of hair out of her eyes, and saw Lois Lane in the press section. She smiled at the girl, who waved back. Martha loved Lois like a daughter, and hoped the girl was doing all right. After Lois had quit her job as Martha’s Chief of Staff, the two had fallen out, Martha going on with her Senatorial duties, and Lois getting back into college and beginning work at the Inquisitor. Martha had liked the way Clark and Lois acted like a bickering couple, and had hoped one day to see them get involved.
              “Senator Kent.”
              She looked up. The governor was looking right at her from the podium.
              “Your thoughts on the matter?”
              Martha nodded, collected her thoughts, straightened her papers, cleared her throat and made a beeline for the podium.


              Lois nudged Chloe as they stood beside each other. Chloe whispered greetings, and Jimmy waved. Lois personally didn’t see what Chloe saw in the loser. But that was her opinion, and she was trying to stay out of other people’s business….still, she thought Chloe and Clark looked so much better together. She cursed herself mentally and told herself to keep her eye on what she was here for–Martha’s speech. She took out her pad and pen and tried really hard to concentrate. But once again, she found her mind wandering.
              She’d never really seen herself as a journalist. When she was younger, right after her mom died, she’d wanted to be in the military like her father. But after being so far from her father all the time, she’d quickly given that hope up. Later, when she’d had to take care of her little sister, Lucy, she’d wanted to be a housewife. But after years of annoyance with the girl, she’d given that up to. It was only when Chloe had supposedly died that an interest in journalism was first ignited. After that, everything had kind of gone haywire. Her father had trapped her in Smallville, so there was no way to escape Chloe’s influence. Time after time after time, she got pulled into her and Clark’s little “adventures”. So, she’d finally decided to go to college, major in journalism, and get a job at the Inquisitor. She’d really wanted to work at the Daily Planet, but that would have been too much treading on Chloe’s territory. Just like the Torch used to be, the Planet was Chloe’s identity. And Lois couldn’t take that away.
              She snapped her head up when she realized where she was. She’d been scribbling mindlessly on her paper, and Jimmy was looking at her like she was an alien. She cleared her throat quietly and began to listen.
              An explosion rocked the room. Lois was thrown to the floor, dropping her items and losing Chloe and her boyfriend. Smoke quickly filled the room and everything went hazy.
              “Chloe?” Lois coughed. “Chloe, where are you?”
              “Lois!” she could hear Chloe’s voice, but it sounded like it was coming from the other side of the room.
              Gunfire erupted above their heads. Lois covered her ears, straining to see through the gray. She could barely make out the podium, but Martha was nowhere to be seen.


              Martha had been thrown back by the explosion, hitting the back wall hard. She could feel blood coming down her neck, and felt her face for the cut. It was on her cheek, right under her left eye. It was incredibly deep, and it stung like fire. She raised her head, coughing. Her security must have been having trouble finding her, because she suddenly found herself alone. The blast of a gun went off over her head, and she screamed, lowering her body and covering her head.
              “Hey everybody!” a distinctly Russian voice said. “How’s the world peace idea going?”
              More gunfire and screams. Martha whipped her head around, searching for Lois, Chloe, and Jimmy. She couldn’t see a thing. But she knew that the door to the preparation room was only a few feet behind her. She might be able to make it…


              Clark heard and felt the explosion two blocks away in the truck. He looked up, cheating with his telescopic vision, and saw flames and smoke rising from–the UN building.
              “Mom,” he muttered aloud.
              He swerved the truck to the side of the road and exited, taking off in supersede toward the building. He only hoped he would make it in time…


              “Where do you think you’re going, Ma’am?” the Russian voice said, grabbing her neck and wrenching her away from the door.
              Martha cried out in pain when he threw her to the floor, scratching her cut on the carpet, leaving a bloody stain. Then he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. She felt the tip of a gun go to her right temple.
              “You can be the first,” he chuckled into her ear.
              Martha closed her eyes.
              There was a rush of air and suddenly the man was off her, flying back toward the wall, and Clark was in front of her.
              “Mom!” he said, gripping her in a crushing hug.
              “Oh, Clark!”
              He picked her up and zoomed over to the back room door. He kicked it open and placed her inside.
              “Stay here!” he said.
              She nodded.

              Clark sped back out into the main room. The smoke could be used for cover. He put his x-ray vision to good use to identify the attackers. He sped through the room, knocking them to the ground one by one. He barely noticed the little voice in the corner say:
              Suddenly, he lost his balance and fell to the floor. His eyes were wide with surprise, and he turned to see none other than Myxptlk.
              “Nice to see you again, Clark,” he said. “It’s been a while, no?”
              Clark jumped up, ready to deliver a punch that would knock the man into next week–
              Suddenly, Clark was frozen, his fist in midair. Myxptlk took a step forward, smiling smugly.
              “Hit,” he sneered.
              Clark’s fist turned, whopping him in his own face! He flew back into the opposite, right over Chloe’s head. He landed with a thud on the ground, shocked and frightened. Myxptlk was still smiling at him.
              “All right, guys!” he said. “That should be good!”
              Clark could only stare as the madman, along with ten other men, all with big bags in their hands, exited the building the same way they had come. The whole attack had only lasted about two minutes. Myxptlk turned at the door and waved to Clark.
              “Some other time,” he said.
              Then he noticed Chloe and blew her a kiss.
              “Scumbag!” she yelled at him.
              He ignored her and was gone.

              To Be Continued…


              P.S. (I’m not sure I got the spelling right with Myxptlk. Did I?)


              • #67
                Can't wait to see what happens next please post more very soon.


                • #68
                  Oh yes please continue writing while the show is airing!!
                  Sorry i havent left many comments but i wasn't really to fond of the Metallo 2-episode storyline.
                  But i love the fact you introduced Lori! It would be nice for Clark to be in a relationship with someone that he can actually share his secret Alicia (sob)!


                  • #69
                    I can't wait to see how you deal with the fact that so many of clarks bad guys know he has super powers when he finaly becomes superman


                    • #70
                      Hmm im not to sure, i guess i just wasn't really interested in Metallo's character. But i do like the fact you are bringing in DC characters.
                      Also perhaps you could introduce another future JLA character like maybe the Martian Manhunter, i think it would be cool if it did turn out to be the new sheriff in Smallville.


                      • #71
                        SMALLVILLE – Season Six; Episode VII: Mermaid Part 3

                        Clark waited anxiously outside his mother’s room at the Metropolis hospital. Finally, the doctor exited the room, softly closing the door. Clark looked at him expectantly.
                        “She’s asleep now,” the doctor said. “She’ll be fine, just a little sore for the next few days. The blood on her neck was from a minor cut. She’s all right.”
                        Clark nodded thankfully. Now that he knew Martha was okay, he could concentrate on what had happened. He superseded over to the Daily Planet. Chloe was at her desk, typing up the article. She looked up and smiled at him.
                        “How’s your mom?” she asked.
                        “She’ll be fine. Just some bumps and bruises.”
                        She nodded, letting out a sigh.
                        “I can’t believe Myxptlk came back,” Chloe said.
                        “I know,” Clark replied. “I thought Lex made sure he’d never be able to return to the United States.”
                        “Sounds like we need to talk to Lex,” Chloe said, crossing her arms. “He keeps becoming more and more suspicious with every move he makes.”
                        “I’m worried about Lana,” Clark breathed.
                        “I think everybody is,” Chloe said, rising and grabbing her coat. “Are we going to talk to Lex now?”
                        “You can,” Clark said. “I’ve got a date.”
                        Chloe stopped short.
                        “A what?”
                        Clark looked at her strangely.
                        “A…date. Is there something wrong with that?”
                        Chloe recovered quickly.
                        “No, of course not. Just…a date with who?”
                        “Lori Lemaris.”
                        “The marine biologist hopeful in the wheelchair?”
                        Clark nodded.
                        “That’s the one.”
                        “Wheelchair…didn’t think that to be your time, Clark.”
                        “It’s not just what’s on the outside, Chloe.”
                        Chloe smiled.
                        “It’s fine, Clark. I, of all people, should know that outward appearances are pretty much worthless.”
                        “Well, good luck with Lex.”
                        “Good luck with your date.”


                        Needless to say, Clark was very nervous when he met Lori at Crater Lake. She was sitting on the dock, feeding the fish. She looked up at him and waved. He smiled and waved back. He couldn’t get over how lovely she was. He made it to the dock and squatted beside her.
                        “It’s beautiful,” she said, gazing out across the water.
                        “Yeah…” Clark muttered. “I always loved this place.”
                        She nodded, throwing the last of her bread into the water and brushing off her blanket.
                        “Aren’t you hot?” Clark asked, gesturing toward the material.
                        “No,” Lori said. “The weather doesn’t really bother me.”
                        “So…what happened? You know, to your legs?”
                        She giggled.
                        “It’s okay, Clark. I don’t mind.”
                        “Well…” he trailed off, at a loss for words.
                        “I was in an accident,” she said. “A car accident. I was paralyzed from my waist down.”
                        “That’s awful,” Clark said, grimacing. “I’m sorry.”
                        “It wasn’t your fault. Losing your legs can actually open your eyes to a few things you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.”
                        Clark nodded, understanding.
                        “It’s actually not that bad,” she said, trying to lighten the mood. “I mean, I get the doors opened for me everywhere I go, I get to use the elevator at school…I met you.”
                        She paused, looking over at him. He smiled at her. She smiled back. The dock lurched when a wave came under them. Lori let out a small cry as her wheelchair began rolled off the dock and into the water. Clark had been so caught up in thinking about he wanted to kiss her, he barely had time to react.
                        “Lori!” he shouted, jumping into the water after her.
                        He swam through the murky water, trying to find her. He finally put his x-ray vision to good use, but she was nowhere to be found. He suddenly felt hands around his waist, pulling him up toward the surface. He turned his head to see it was Lori. He allowed himself to be dragged to the beach.
                        “Clark!” she said. “Clark, are you okay?”
                        He was already nodding, although he was incredibly confused.
                        “How did you–”
                        He stopped short when he looked at her. She was lying over him, her hair matted and wet. But for once he wasn’t looking at her face. He was looking at her legs–or lack thereof. Where there should have been thin and underdeveloped legs, there were…fins!
                        “What…?” Clark blinked, thinking it might have been his eyes.
                        Lori was smiling uncomfortably.
                        “Uh, Clark?” she said, her voice shaky. “What if it wasn’t a car wreck?”

                        To Be Continued…


                        (I know that the posts have been really short, but I've been kind of short on time. I'll give myself more time to write the next one, though, because Mermaid is far from over!)


                        • #72
                          Im glad u brought Myxptlk back. Hmm could he be involved with Level 33.1..... I think so!
                          Im happy ur including Level 33.1 in ur stories as i was always disappointed that story arc was never revisted in the actual show as i quite liked the idea of Lex gathering Krypto-Freaks.


                          • #73
                            Nice but short update


                            • #74
                              SMALLVILLE – Season Six; Episode VII: Mermaid Part 4

                              Chloe entered Lex’s office, glancing around almost nervously. She had never really felt comfortable in the Luthor home, and now that same feeling of uneasiness was sending shockwaves of fear of her spine. Lex had always been cool and conniving, and he had always intimidated her. No matter how hard she tried to get the upper hand with him, he always seemed to rise above–and she hated it. The doors closed behind her and she turned to see Lex there. He gave her a quick, taut smile and walked past her to the beverage table, pouring himself a glass of brandy. He studied it as he spoke.
                              “What can I do for you today, Chloe?”
                              She decided that it was best to get right down to the point, since her friendship with Lex had technically ended two years ago.
                              “Myxptlk and a group of thugs attacked the UN this morning,” she said, taking a step forward. “And it was to my understanding that you had made sure said Russian weirdo could no longer return to the United States, correct?”
                              Lex took a sip of his drink and turned, smirking at her.
                              “You never fail in making an accusation, you know that?”
                              “Lex, it was hardly an accusation.”
                              “Oh, but it was. Myxptlk attacks, who’s to blame? Why not blame it on Lex? Come on, Chloe. All it takes is a fake passport and some charm to make it past airport customs. And besides, what about that ‘gift’ the young man had? I believe he could make anybody do what he wanted, am I right?”
                              “But as you also know, last time Myxptlk was in Smallville, he lost his power. How on earth do you think he got it back? Magic?”
                              “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lex hissed, putting the brandy down and clasping his hands behind his back. “Are you saying I’m responsible for the sudden reappearance as well as the reclamation of his powers?”
                              “Well, there have been talks of ‘Lex’s Luthor’s secret labs’,” Chloe said, forming her fingers into quote marks. “You can’t say you don’t even look guilty.”
                              “I’ve had it with you, Chloe,” Lex said. “I’ve had it with you always barging into my house and accusing me of things you haven’t even taken the time to research for yourself. And I thought you were supposed to be a hard-hitting reporter. I want you out of my house. I want you off my property. And I never want to see you here again, do you understand?”
                              He moved closer to her, until she could smell the brandy on his breath.
                              “Or, so help me, I will have you sent to the edge of the world–so far that God himself wouldn’t be able to find you.”
                              Chloe’s fear was obvious and she knew it. She backed away, stumbling over her own feet. Lex was smiling with smug satisfaction.
                              “Now get out,” he said.
                              She got out. As fast as she could. Tears were streaming down her eyes as she entered her Bug and began the long drive back to the Daily Planet.


                              “So…you’re…a mermaid,” Clark stuffed his hands in his pockets, rising from the picnic table. He was barefoot, his shoes and socks were out on the dock drying. He dived back down to retrieve her wheelchair. That was also sitting on the dock drying. She was in the water, swimming around. With her fins. Clark couldn’t believe it. He knew he shouldn’t be so freaked out, but he just hadn’t expected it. She had been in a wheelchair, for goodness’ sake.
                              “You should really come in, Clark,” Lori said, splashing around. “The water’s great.”
                              “I realized that, when I dove in to save you. Even though you didn’t really need saving.”
                              He sat on the dock Indian style, trying to figure this all out. She rolled her eyes and swam over to him, placing her elbow son his knees and resting her chin on them.
                              “You’re incredibly freaked out right now, correct?”
                              “No…not freaked out incredibly. Just a little bit. Believe it or not, I see this kind of thing almost everyday.”
                              Her eyes went wide.
                              “Long story,” he said. “But that’s not the point.”
                              “And what is the point?” she asked.
                              “First of all, how did you become a mermaid. Second, what are you doing in Kansas?”
                              “Number one: I’ve been a mermaid all my life,” she said, swimming backward. “You should really come in.”
                              “You should really stay on subject.”
                              She sighed again.
                              “Fine. Number two: I was born in Atlantis.”
                              “Bear with me for a second, okay?”
                              Clark nodded.
                              “But for some reason, my parents sent me away to earth. I think it was to protect me from something. I’m not sure. I don’t think I ever will be…but anyways. I’ve been searching for my home for as long as I can remember, and somebody down the road told me Metropolis University in Kansas had the best marine biology classes. So here I am.”
                              “So you’re a mermaid from Atlantis…” Clark shook his head. “This is crazy, even for Smallville.”
                              “Come here, Clark,” Lori said.
                              He shook his head.
                              “Let me figure this out,” he said.
                              “No,” Lori said. “You need to relax. Come here.”
                              Clark stared at her for a second, right into her eyes. She was so beautiful. He finally stood, stripping off his shirt and unzipping his jeans. Once he was in his boxers, he dove in, swimming over to her. She laughed as he submerged beside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her waist. She kissed him, and he kissed back. They slowly sank below the surface. Twelve minutes later, they came back up. Clark’s eyes were still closed, he was dazed almost to unconsciousness. Lori smiled up at him. Her fins flipped against his legs.
                              “Feel better?” she asked softly.
                              He nodded.
                              “Yeah…” he squinted. “No!”
                              Lori’s expression went from happiness to confusion in a snap.
                              He opened his eyes and the tree behind her caught on fire. Lori ducked, plunging under the water. Clark looked at his mistake in horror, and superseded over to the tree, running around it, sucking the fire into the sky and distinguishing it. He turned slowly to see Lori sitting the water, her mouth hanging wide open. Clark shrugged and laughed nervously.
                              “Guess we’ve all got some explaining to do,” he said, trying to smile and failing miserably.


                              “Another attack by the mysterious group of terrorists calling themselves ‘Intergang’ leaves Metropolis National Bank riddled with bullet holes, as well as questions of the rest of the city’s safety. Senator Martha Kent has been silent, and the rest of the state cries, ‘Why?’. More on this after the break.”
                              Martha clicked her tongue and switched the off the TV. She slammed the remote down on the coffee table, cracking the plastic.
                              “Hatred for the Senator,” she turned to see Lois standing in the doorway.
                              “Oh, hi Lois,” she said, patting the seat next to her.
                              Lois took it, flinching slightly.
                              “That attack yesterday still has me sore,” Lois said, rubbing her hip gingerly. “Those scumbags. Especially that Russian guy. What’s his name? Chloe told me…”
                              “Can’t even pronounce the blasted name,” Lois snorted. “Ridiculous.”
                              “And I can’t seem to be getting anything done anymore,” Martha said, dropping her head into her hands. “Jonathan was such a better worker, a better leader. The only real reason I’ve made it this far is because of Lionel. I’m worthless by myself.”
                              “Don’t you say that, Mrs. Kent,” Lois said, leaning forward. “Kansas has become a much better place since Martha Kent took the Senatorial seat. And it’s going to continue to prosper as long as you’re in it.”
                              Martha looked up at the girl. But she didn’t see a girl anymore–she saw a young woman who was ready to take on the world. She smiled, her eyes misty.
                              “Thank you, Lois,” she whispered. “Thank you.”


                              “Wow,” Lori said.
                              They were on the sand, drying off. The tip of her fins were in the water. Clark looked over at her sheepishly. She looked at him just as sheepishly.
                              “Well aren’t we just a couple of freaks,” he said, causing her to giggle.
                              “I like it when you giggle like that,” he said.
                              “You do?” Lori asked playfully. “Well, I like it when you smile like that.”
                              He sat up, feeling the sun on his dry skin, feeling energy course through his body.
                              “Clark?” Lori sat up after him. “Clark, what is it?”
                              “You have to promise me something, Lori,” he didn’t look at her, was afraid to.
                              “Anything,” she said. “Clark, what’s this about?”
                              He turned his head to stare at her.
                              “I need you to promise that you won’t tell anyone about me. And I mean anyone.”
                              She looked at him for a moment, then nodded.
                              “Same with me,” she said. “I keep your secret, you keep mine.”
                              He nodded.
                              He took her hand in his
                              “I want to help you, Lori,” he said. “I want to help you find your home.”
                              She gazed at him, deep into his eyes.
                              “Thank you,” she said.
                              They kissed passionately.


                              Lana entered the KNS studio, arms crossed. She walked to her dressing room and pushed open the door. She locked the door and stumbled into a chair, losing herself in tears. Everything had fallen apart. She’d fallen in love with Lex only to subconsciously make Clark jealous. Then she’d married Lex just because she could. Now she realized that Lex wasn’t who appeared to be on the surface, all the warnings Clark and Chloe and Pete had given her about him finally came into action, and she understood that she could never love him, and he could never love her as much as he loved himself. She pushed her hair out of her face and looked up into the mirror. She saw the broken form of a woman torn apart. She grabbed the brush lying on the table and slammed it against the mirror, causing the glass to shatter. Bits of glass fell against her face, stinging her cheeks, but she didn’t care. She dropped the brush to the ground. She jumped when there was a knock on the door.
                              “Lana?” it was Pete. “Lana?”
                              “Yeah?” she managed, sniffling and wiping her nose. “Yes?”
                              “We’re ready for you.”
                              She took in a calming breath, realizing that she would have to pay the consequences for her mistakes, suck it up. This was life, and it wasn’t going to stop for her. It was time for Lana Lang to grow up. And today was that day. She dried her tears and stood, brushing her hair with her hands and straightening her suit jacket. One more breath and balancing step, and she marched toward the door, throwing it open to the world and all its coldness.
                              The only place where she’d felt warm was in Clark Kent’s arms…

                              “So this is the famous Daily Planet?” Lori looked around as Clark pushed her out of the elevator out into the newsroom.
                              “Yep; what do you think?” Clark asked, coming to a stop in front of Chloe’s desk.
                              She smiled up at him.
                              “It’s great.”
                              “You’re great,” Clark said.
                              He bent, delivering a quick kiss to her lips.
                              “I take it the date went well,” Chloe’s voice.
                              He snapped up to see his blonde friend, as well as her photographer interest standing there. And Jimmy was snapping a picture.
                              “Very well,” Lori said. “Clark is quite the gentleman.”
                              “Isn’t that sweet,” Chloe said, putting her purse down on the desk and sliding into her chair, flipping on her computer. “But that doesn’t mean he can be late to work.”
                              “Sorry,” Clark said, his smile slightly faltering.
                              Perry exited his office on the other side of the room.
                              Jimmy flinched, turning.
                              “Get in here, son! Where are my pictures?”
                              “Coming, Chief!”
                              “You better be!”
                              Jimmy winked at Chloe and was off to get a lecture. Chloe smiled after him.
                              “Isn’t that sweet,” Clark mocked.
                              “Shut up,” Chloe muttered.
                              Lori giggled.
                              The ceiling suddenly collapsed as an explosion from the roof above caused the power to go out and the room to shake uncontrollably. Clark grabbed Chloe and covered her and Lori with his body, taking the brunt of the damage. He looked up to see six men, each armed with heavy machine guns, rappelling down from an overhead helicopter. They made it to the floor and fired random spurts of bullets into the air.
                              “Everybody stay calm! We’re just here to steal from our favorite form of publicity!”
                              It was Myxptlk. Clark ran for him, but the man turned just in time.
                              “Stop!” he said, raising his hand.
                              Clark froze in place.
                              “Turn around.”
                              Again, Clark obliged unwillingly.
                              “Walk away,” Myxptlk chuckled.
                              Clark began walking back toward Chloe and Lori. Myxptlk and his men scattered throughout the room, some rushing into Perry’s office, others headed downstairs. Myxptlk walked up to Chloe, Clark, and Lori.
                              “Clark,” he said. “You’re always surrounded by beautiful women.”
                              Clark went to punch the guy–
                              Clark paused mid-punch, stuck in place. Myxptlk moved toward Chloe.
                              “You’re scum,” she sneered.
                              “Oh, yeah? Kiss me.”
                              She grimaced, but obeyed. Myxptlk groaned in delight. Lori slowly began to back her wheelchair up…
                              Myxptlk broke free from Chloe.
                              “I definitely needed that,” he said, flashing a very smug smile.
                              Just then, Lori pushed herself into him. He hit the ground hard, his head hitting the floor. Clark found himself free. He bent, grabbing Myxptlk by the collar and throwing him toward the wall. Unfortunately, Perry was just exiting his office, and broke the other man’s fall. Myxptlk stood in a flash, screaming:
                              Everyone in the room froze. The puppet master’s men returned, all carrying bags of money. Lines lowered from the helicopter overhead, and soon Intergang was rising into the sky.
                              “It’s been a pleasure!” Myxptlk laughed. “Unfreeze!”
                              Clark and Chloe collapsed to the ground.
                              “You have to follow them!” Chloe said. “You’re the only one who can!”
                              Clark nodded. He stood, glancing at Lori.
                              “Wait!” she said.
                              He paused.
                              “Let me come with you,” she wheeled up next to him.
                              “Lori, you can’t–”
                              “Trust me,” she said. “You’ll need me.”
                              He hesitated. Then:
                              “Fine. Come on.”
                              They left the room, leaving Chloe very confused.

                              To Be Continued…


                              THERE! Now I feel better The conclusion to Mermaid should be up soon.


                              • #75
                                Nice can't wait for the finale of the episode.

