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Summing Up Arrow's "Organic" Storytelling

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  • Summing Up Arrow's "Organic" Storytelling

    Thought this pretty much sums it up, IMO. Couldn't figure out whether to put it in the Felicity or Laurel threads and decided to just make a new one.

  • #2
    Yes it sums up MG's use of that story telling. Really don't have much else to add on this other then it's just more proof of why they need new showrunners.

    Also, just how Laurel's death kind of well lacks any sense in story and that he doesn't even really care to provide a reason. It's just she suddenly died which sums up how pandering to the Olicty shippers made that happen.


    • #3
      The funny thing is, those scenes would had made for excellent sources of drama and the like if they handled it well. Oliver Queen being near death, struggling to stay alive with basic knowledge of first aid, etc until somebody finds him and saves him from the cold? That could had been so wonderfully tense and stuff....

      and I'm also surprised that the writers and Marc didn't see how much olicitiy potential there was in keeping Felicity in that wheel chair just a little longer. I mean, imagine Oliver queen helping her with the physical therapy aspect, and being an overall supportive boyfriend to her as she learned how to walk all over again. And then have a few more sappy scenes where felicity and Oliver inspire each other to do their best.
      Oliver: "If Felicity has to endure so much learning how to walk again, then I can do this thing! What I'm going though is nothing in comparison to what my darling is going though!"
      Felicity: "If my boyfriend can go though so much fighting crime....then what am I doing here moping? I need to get better, because Oliver is inspiring me to!"

      You get the idea.....

      It's weird how bad writing can bring up some excellent ideas, and then squander them completely in favor of cheap plot.

