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The Long Way Home (PG-13)

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  • #16
    Chapter 1

    Originally posted by TeamClois
    Jackie, I'm so glad you're inspired again! I've been on the lookout for a new story from you ever since you completed your last one. Needless to say, I'm addicted to your fics!

    Having said that, this story is no different. But I'd be lying if I didn't say that your last to replies to two of your readers hadn't caught my attention.

    Richard...the mention of his name alone makes me nervous. *bites nails* And Liz...I'm curious to see how "important" she'll be to this story and in Clark's life.

    Update soon!!!
    Addicts feed me so no harm there. :P Liz was spur of the moment and Richard was planned. I have to say that I am surprised mentioned him since I hadn't used him before, lol.

    Hopefully your curiosity will be kept going for the time being since that what makes my job fun.

    Originally posted by imhooked
    I am so glad you are back with a new story. The prologue was fantastic. I can't wait to read the first chapter. And now....let the begging commence...... Please give us an update soon
    Update granted!

    Originally posted by KatherineKent
    Yay. A new Jackie fic. Can't wait.
    Yes! Another follower to give me cookies. And by cookies I mean reviews, lol.

    Originally posted by bigvillir001
    very interesting more soon you got me hooked
    I'm reeling in now.

    Originally posted by AnneBoleyn
    Oh my god this sounds FANTASTIC!!!!!! I'm someone who doesn't mind Lois and Clark in a relationship with other people because this is the Clois forum I know they're going to end up together so needless to say I'm SUPER interested to see where you go with this!! Your stories are always amazing, I wish I could get inspired again haha!!
    I'm sure you will love the way I plan on taking it. You should do a Clark/Lois time travel fic.. like sliders. Yeah! That would be fun. Ideas are aplenty with me today. :P

    Since you do historic so well maybe a Roman style fic? That would hot. Slave Lois.. grrrr. j/k... but not really.

    ~Chapter 1~

    June 24, 2020



    My sleep was restless, which wasn't uncommon these days. Like an insomniac I caught up on sleep only when I was physically exhausted, which meant almost never since I rarely suffered from such a thing.

    The last time I had experienced a full night's rest was after encountering Kryptonite and as much as I needed sleep... I didn't need it that much.

    I hoped that I could determine if it was my extracurricular activities, flying, saving, and the occasional trip into space, that were causing this state of non-rest. It was my primary reason for returning to the seclusion that Smallville provided.

    One week. One week of absolutely nothing. I was on leave from work and I had made it pretty clear to the League that I would be unreachable. Not that much stood in their way of finding me.

    With a sigh I spared a glance at my watch. 4:32 AM. I waited, lying in the queen sized bed that took up half of my parent's old room. The house was sparse in furniture, but this item was one that I had taken the time to fly over.

    Fate seemed to realize I was awake. My phone buzzed, vibrating, but didn't ring. This close to my head it sounded like a dull roar. I could have ignored it, never checked the message, but at this time it was probably important... which meant that I really couldn't.

    A text. With everyone being so immersed into the world of technology I had done my share of texting... even when it came to vital information. In a motion that was well practiced, I slip my thumb across the screen, pulling up the recent message.

    R U OK?

    Three words... sort of. I scanned the number, looked at the icon just beside it. A yellow lightning bolt within a red circle. Bart. I was tempted to call him, but remembered the plan. If I called then I was likely to cave, would probably be at the League HQ in no time.

    So I settled for texting him back.

    Am fine. On sabbatical. Avoid contacting me for the time being. Take care, Kid.
    I didn't want him to think I was angry, but my message wasn't the most pleasant. I had basically told him to shove off. My second day and already I was feeling guilty for leaving them in the dark. They didn't know where I was or when I would be back.

    I recalled the way Oliver had looked at me last week, had touched my shoulder with a sad smile on his face. “You're tired, Clark. You need rest.” And I had taken his idea to heart only because I had been thinking it myself.

    Rest from what, though?
    “From being a hero.” Oliver, able to read me so well, had answered my unspoken question. “You'll end up getting yourself killed... or someone else.” And the straw that had broken the camel's back was the death of the Traver's family. A family of four, a set of twin boys, mom, and dad.

    Their car had been loaded down for a planned vacation to New York. They had made the drive from Georgia and had barely crossed the New Jersey line when a Semi had collided with them, T-boned the driver's side.

    The impact instantly killed Dad, who had been driver, and Gordon, one of the twins in the back. I had arrived on the scene within moments of the explosion, had taken in the fact that Mom's body had shut down, due to the fire that had engulfed the entire car.

    Then there was William, the other twin, who would have turned 12 in another month. My focus had been on the boy, which left one other casualty.

    The truck driver.

    When I'm tired, I'm also angry. It's usually a mild anger, but it's there, burning just as hot as the fire I had stepped through.

    William was probably one of the wisest souls I had ever met. I had been extremely careful pulling him from the car. His voice had reached me over the blaze. “It's okay.” A soft whisper. My eyes scanned him for injuries and there were more than I could count on first glance. Third degree burns on his left side. Two ribs punctured had his lungs. Small eyes were focused on me, with such clarity that I wondered if it was just another nightmare.

    No one as injured as the boy had such focus...

    His hand clenched against my suit. “Sometimes...ships happen. Daddy... says that.”

    And then William had died. Soot covered my suit, my face, and for the life of me I didn't want to put the boy down, but I knew I was wasting time. I walked to the side of the road, set him on the grass. Because the gravel seemed too hard.

    My boots carried me away from him and towards the truck. I was at the Semi's door, one hand on the shoulder of the trucker and had barely moved him a centimeter when I realized that a piece of metal had pierced his chest.

    And moving him had been a mistake. The piece of metal was sharp, but it had struck him in such a way that internal damage had been minimal. And when I had moved him it had sliced the side of his heart... a small incision, but it had been enough.

    The paramedics told me that it was inevitable... that he would have been moved a little if they had attempted to dislodge him. Five deaths. And even though I had seen worse this struck me the hardest.

    My eyes snapped open and my head turned on the pillow. The sun was high in the air.

    I had slept. Almost six hours this time. While my mind had drifted away I had experienced the car crash once more, almost from an outsider's perspective. I didn't kill the trucker, but I didn't save him either. What was a Hero to do when he was useless to the public?

    The nightmare replaced my usual one. Of me and her. A dream that would never be a reality.

    I wondered which one was worse...



    “Get me a coffee, black. Please, Olsen.” I was drawing on a white board, mapping out statistics of Superman sightings. It had descended to an unfortunate low. He had been seen twice in the past 48 hours and on opposite sides of the US.

    Which meant I needed to make phone calls. He wasn't dead... I thought as I chewed on the end of my dry erase marker.

    Not dead. Injured was a possibility, but he had seemed capable, according to the people that had spotted him. But he hadn't stayed for any press releases and he hadn't made his typical visits to charity functions.

    “Something is wrong...” What was happening in Clark's life? I was so focused as my brain wracked through possibilities that I didn't even hear the door open and close.

    “Lois? You look worn out.” Olsen's voice startled me and I jumped, almost knocking the coffee from his hand. It wasn't often that he called me that, but I didn't point it out. Instead I mustered a small smile and took the cup.

    “I am. Do you have any recent Superman photos? Within the past week, I mean?” Jimmy was my best bet on getting photos of the flying wonder.

    “About two... when he was passing through Metropolis six days ago.” My teeth ground together. That meant they wouldn't be the greatest shots... but they would have to do.

    “Get them for me. I want them as up close and personal as you can get.” Jimmy was out the door before I had finished the sentence. God bless that boy.

    I started to reach for the desk phone, then pulled back. No... this wasn't an office phone call. This was personal. I grabbed my cell, had to search through the contacts for a number I hadn't called in a while.

    Hello, Legs.” He had picked up after the second ring. At the old nickname I smiled.

    “Hello, Oliver.” I paused for a moment, trying to figure out how I would best phrase my question. “Where is Clark?” Well... that was subtle enough.

    Kent?” Don't play with my emotions, Oliver.

    “No, Clark Gable. How many Clark's do you know?” He laughed, despite my sarcasm. Of course the man always loved to have fun...

    I don't know. He's... resting.” Resting? What the hell does that mean? I opened my mouth to ask if he had been exposed to Kryptonite lately, but decided against it. Though it seemed to run across the rumor mill that the substance could kill him it was still something I didn't want to say out loud. The word always sent shivers down my spine.

    “Yeah. The World has noticed.” Or they would soon enough. “Is he alright?”

    Physically, he's doing fine. Never better.” There was something that Oliver wasn't telling me, but then again we hadn't really had a long conversation in quite some time. A pang of guilt weighed on me and I reminded myself to mention a trip to see my cousin and him at the end of the call.

    For now there were more pressing matters. “And... Emotionally. Mentally?”

    You know him better than me, Lois.” I couldn't agree with that. Clark and I hadn't talked since the day he had moved out of our apartment, the end of something that wasn't in the cards to begin with. Not that I had anticipated us 'still being friends'. Too much history... too much heartache. “Where do you think he would go when he needs to get away from the world?”

    “Outer Space.. he's certainly capable.” Another laugh. “Seriously, Ollie. I have Chief breathing down my neck for me to get a story and even if it's not one I want to publish... I need to know if Superman is out of commission. The World needs to know.”

    I don't know. I can't say. My only recommendation is that you treat this … investigation delicately. Superman likes his life the way it is. But I think it can be better.” Since when did Oliver become all-knowing? On better thought, since when did he start giving out advice?

    Since he took over Bruce's role as second in command of the League probably.

    Still there, Legs?”

    “Yeah.” The word was released on a sigh as I stroke my forehead.

    I'm not going to tell you where he is because if you see him then he'll know who gave that info out and the last thing I need is a tired Kryptonian showing up in Star City. Just tread carefully, Lane. He's not himself.” And then Oliver Queen hung up on me.

    I set the phone on it's cradle, my mind working rapidly. Where did Clark go when he needed to get away from the world? The Fortress? It wasn't exactly the most comforting location. My eyes widened in realization then narrowed, his refuge clear.

    Comfort... He needed

    I took out a notepad and started jotting down what I had to do. Car? I scratched that off the list. I didn't have one anymore and going out to rent one would have been more trouble than I had time for. Plane. Flight would be the fastest option, which would put me there in less than two hours.

    And I still needed to leave someone in charge while I was gone. My teeth ground together. Grant. She was my best option, having tenure... and despite the fact that we both hated each other's guts she was competent enough.

    I doubted she would print her story, knowing it would come back to bite her in the ass once Perry returned.

    Quickly, I scanned through Perry's Rolodex, finding the name of a person I hadn't ever thought I would ask a favor from. Two rings and the man picked up. Without waiting for a 'hello' I rushed ahead with, “Richard, it's Lois. I need a favor.”


    • #17
      Thanks for the speedy update, Jackie! And for bringing back Jimmy Olsen!!!! *does cartwheels* I hadn't expected to see him so soon so this was a real treat.

      I also enjoed Lollie's conversation and hope that by Lois contacting Richard for a favor, it means she'll be heading to Smallville by way of his airplane. *cross fingers* I know we're ony one chapter in, but I'm anxious for a Clois reunion.

      Update soon!


      • #18
        Can't wait to see their reunion!!! PPMS!!!!


        • #19
          He's obviously still in love with Lois, because no man will be dreaming of about his ex fiance *pout*
          Please don't tell me that Lois had a fling with Richard :O
          Well Ollie knows how to be evasive and say things that are necessary to say...

          Great update, I can't wait for more


          • #20
            yhh great update......need more


            • #21
              Wow. This story is amazing. All I want to do is whine, moan and beg for the next update. Then I remind myself that I am only on chapter 1 and you just started posting yesterday. Why must your writing be so phenomenal?!?! Geesh!!!! Please put me out of my misery and post more soon. Thanks!


              • #22
                Oh, Jackie, that was awesome! I loved it - I know where this story needs to go and still I'm on the edge of my seat. That's real talent. I'm practically holding my breath until these two get together - wonderful.

                Happy birthday to me! That just never gets old. I'm probably going to keep saying that until this is over. It's like one of the best presents ever ... my own personal story!


                • #23
                  wow need more like now plz


                  • #24
                    Wow, I love this. I am enjoying the first person writing, it's a nice change of pace for me reading wise I also love what you've done with Lois and Clark so far, and am anxious to read more and see where you take this.


                    • #25
                      It was a treat to come in here, today, and see your name up in the update thread.

                      Man, there's just so much to take in. Okay, where to begin? I guess, the beginning is as good a place as any.

                      Clark: The queen size bed? Can I assume that it belongs to 'them'? LOL!

                      On a serious note, my heart broke for Clark. That whole event was tragic and how you'd depicted it, wow! Now, I understand more of his need to get away. *Lois, your man NEEDS you*

                      Lois & Jimmy: Love that you paid my avi some homage, lol! I can't tell you how much I love the Lane/Olsen dynamics and seeing them interact, whether big or small, onscreen or in fics, will always be a treat for me.

                      Lollie: I absolutely love them. Loved how you'd captured their dynamics as well. Their conversation, even with a bit of an edge to it, played out, nicely.

                      Side note - I enjoyed the playful homage to Gable, of whom we all know Clark's name had derived from. One teensy-weensy whine, Ollie's still with......?? *must not dwell*

                      Questions??? - Oliver took over Bruce's spot? Where did Bruce go? Did he go UP or OUT? LOL! Can I hope that since Richard White is of the Rolodex-variety, that Bruce is Lois' current love interest and that's why he's no longer there and the reason Oliver has his spot? I know. I know. Wishful thinking, lol!

                      This was an EXCELLENT update, miss. And as much, as I love to see an update from you on a frequent basis, I don't want you feeling pressured into producing them. So, no worries - take your time! Besides, I have a few fics that I seriously need to catch up on *evades glares of other AWESOME writers*

                      Looking forward to seeing the outcome of Lois' trip!

                      Til then! - Thank you so much, for this


                      • #26
                        This is continuing to just be absolutely excellent! but so heartbreaking.. the car crash thing had me feeling so sad and then how they both feel about each other and the break..subtle but all the emotions were there.

                        WOW! PPMS!


                        • #27
                          I'm hooked and great job.


                          • #28
                            Great story. Loving it already and cant wait to read more


                            • #29
                              Fabulous, jackie. And i have to tell you i'm loivng the first person narrative. Very different from most works around here and i think is a good change too. I know i'm enjoying

                              OMG poor Clark. Lois, go to him and be by his side because he needs you so much righ now. I'm still curious about some facts and relationship but i'm sure in due time we'll know all about it


                              • #30
                                i just found this story and i like the idea that they split but it sounds like he never got over it

                                I like how you wrote about his attempt to move on in a physical sense with another woman but her memory keeps holding him back

                                Oliver is written the way i like to write him which is as the good friend

                                Lois looks to have moved on but she is rightfully concerned because she hasn't been able to keep tabs on him through print. I like that see is going to see him

                                looking forward to the next update

