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How will peter get his powers back

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  • How will peter get his powers back

    I was wondering this cause when he asked his father if they're gone he said yes forever so I was thinking that maybe he injects himself but would that trigger his old abillities or will that give him a brand new one??

  • #2
    Yes I was thinking about that too. Actually when Mohinder wanted to inject Peter, I was thinking: Oh, so this is how he will get his powers back. But than of course Sylar stepped in.

    Injecting him by the way, probably would've give him his own adaptive ability back. Mohinder said that the injection triggers each perons own unique ability.

    I think Peter will get his powers back by

    A) Using his own adaptive power. Arthur could't completely take it away. Maybe he only took away the powers Peter had copied, and only slightly scrambled Peters own power by doing so.
    B) Peter finds out that he still has the power he copied from Future Sylar (than it would make sense why Future Ma Petrelli would tell Peter to take Sylars powers) and uses it to gain new powers. Possibly from unconscious bad guys, or maybe buy just taking every power he wants. Maybe Claire helps him, buy showing Peter what Sylar saw in her brain, so that Peter can at least heal again. Maybe Claire finds out Peter is killing to take powers, and decides he went to far... and starts to hunt him like Future Claire did. But that's just speculation of course. I don't think it will come to that though.

    Now my head starts to hurt, thinking about timelines, altered timelines, future people...


    • #3
      I think that formula is the key to Peters power regaining and he loose Sylars ability but formula must become stabile than Sylar will steal formula and help his little brother


      • #4
        cyclops definitely has a point when is sylars power really going to come into effect peter already killed his brother and almost tried to kill his mother it has to be a significance why he took the ability maybe sylars hunger power wasnt really necessarily a power cause sylar wasnt really all that special before dr suresh couldnt detect any abilities before sylar killed the tk guy so maybe peter is going to understand his fathers ability and take it back or something idk just a thought

        now im the one with a headache

