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Unexpected Episode Review

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  • Unexpected Episode Review

    I feel I must start this review off the way I started watching this episode: huh? This “huh?” turned into a complete “WTF MATE?” (funny, check it out: by the end of the episode, because of Hana Gitelman. We’re introduced to her with no warning, no warm up of the hour with established characters, just her hacking into Ted’s computer. Speaking of Ted, we got a 15 second hi-there-and-hello last episode, but then got whisked away again… We haven’t really seen him in ages, and I don’t know what’s been going on with him out in this desert! Has he really been sitting there in his cabin glowing his hands since he escaped the police transport? I suppose this is preferable to the writers giving him dumb things to do like Daddy’s promotion and Hope, but still… And while yes, Hana has a very cool power, it’s just kind of a baby version of Micah’s. Or maybe a cousin. I suppose hers is kind of cooler because she doesn’t even have to touch anything, she’s her own network. But still, two scenes, and poof, Hottie McExposition is off to Never-Heard-From-Again-Land. I’m all for useful and interesting new characters, but if they’re just plot devices to get Teddy to NYC, I think the writers could have come up with something different. That said, the minute they start bringing her back twice or three times a season for cryptic info sharing a la Deep Throat or Mr. X, I’m in. But this current treatment of her character sucks. (I realize now that she was thoroughly discussed in the graphic novels, but at the time...??)

    Dale is another cool character, along the lines of Original!Zane. Well-thought-out, well cast, and well acted, an exceptionally interesting character to watch despite the short amount of time we get with her. I like the detail about her listening to rap even though she hates it because it’s the only thing that drowns out all other noise. Now, one problem I have with Mohinder and Sylar-as-Zane showing up in Montana: Mohinder has dozens of people on The List that he has cold-called and been hung up on. The boys started in Virginia at Zane’s, and the nearest person they decide to visit (without even being clear on the person’s gender) lives all the way over in Montana? There’s no-one closer? Someone along the way you could stop in on? The Midwest is pretty big, and while, yeah, it’s also pretty boring, I’m sure there are a couple people with abilities sprinkled through there. A road trip to Montana just for Dale? Why did you think she was so special to warrant such a visit? But check out Sylar-as-Zane’s face as he listens to Dale describe her ability. He looks positively ravenous. I’m surprised the top of her head didn’t come off right there. Sylar looked ready to pop. Premature decapitation, if you will. ;-) And I love how perceptive she was of Sylar-as-Zane and his increased heart rate. Zachary, you do a great job playing caught-off-guard, too. Great scene all around, people.

    COCKROACH TALLY! When Dale is describing how sensitive her hearing is, she mentions that a cockroach crawling across her neighbor’s floor was “like a marching band parading through my house.” (5)

    I like Ted’s goodbye scene at his wife’s grave. The dead flowers and spreading death of the surrounding grass was well-done, and the camera angle down at him was beautiful. Anyone else find this reminiscent of Superman when he glances the future and he’s standing in a graveyard and everyone he knows is dead? As a side note, I’m concerned for everyone who has ever spent time around this guy. In a couple years there’s going to be a pandemic of testicular and ovarian cancer in everyone he’s ever looked at.

    I again really like Claude’s training session and mental abuse of Peter. Both actors play the physicality of the fight scene very well, and I love the look on Milo’s face when he’s finally telekinetically able to stop the stick from smacking him in the head. I also think it was cool that Peter didn’t even know he had the ability until questioned by Claude about where he picked up telekinesis. Glad Peter got something other than the healing power out of his whole ordeal in Texas. Now, can he also split people’s heads open and freeze things? Because he never ticks like Sylar…

    The scene at the motel between Sylar-as-Zane and Mohinder is funny and awkward at the same time. I’m not sure I entirely like it, but I can’t put my finger on the problem. I like that Mohinder admits he was skeptical about bringing Sylar-as-Zane, and I think it’s funny that he says, “I don’t know you…it could have been a disaster!” Oh, just you wait, ‘Enry ‘Iggins, just you wait (any My Fair Lady fans out there?). Their conversation in front of their respective hotel rooms was good, well-played by both parties, and I like that the subject of Chandra’s murder by Sylar came up and that Sylar-as-Zane was able to carefully skirt the issue while still pumping Mohinder to find out how much he actually knows. Interesting line: “Even if I could come face-to-face with [Sylar], what difference would it make? Justice could never really be served.” Now, where it gets creepy is following that line, with Sylar’s “What a shame…” speech. Gets a little invasion-of-personal-bubble for my tastes, and I’m amazed that Mohinder doesn’t get more weirded out than he does. He just kind of stares at Sylar-as-Zane like he wants to make out with him. And so was born the concept of Mylar.

    It could have been easy for Peter’s flying scene with Claude to turn out cheesy or like a total Superman rip-off, but I liked it. I’m glad they had Peter carry Claude in a modified fireman-hold. And this was a nice way of getting rid of Claude. Yoda can’t stick around forever or else Luke will never get to truly shine. Scaring him back into hiding with a near-capture was a brilliant way of writing the character back out in a way that makes it quite possible for him to show up again as needed without it being sloppy or abrupt. Nice job. Question: was Peter using telekinesis or his time freezing ability from Future!Hiro when he stopped the taser electrodes?

    Love Dale’s final scene. Even though there are some problems with it: Sylar-as-Zane has no foot-steps? How? He can’t fly… Can he telekinesis himself off the floor, Magneto-style (I hope not)? And the cheese factor for the final lines is 10/10. “That sound. In your heart. What is it?” “Murder.” But I love it! (I also love Taledega Nights: “Anarchy!” “I don’t know what that means, but I love it!”)

    Zachary does a great job looking truly uncomfortable with his new super-hearing the next day when they go back for Dale. And poor Mohinder, blowing chunks at the sight of a dead body. It’s okay, Mohinder, we still think you’re pretty. I love the evil smile Sylar-as-Zane gives as he looks in on his previous night’s handiwork, and his explanation on why they shouldn’t call the police is well done, too. But how in the world does the Sylar signature of head removal clue Mohinder in to the fact that he’s traveling around with the man himself, and not Zane Taylor? He couldn’t have already figured it out, because I don’t believe he’s that good of an actor—Mohinder wouldn’t have been able to play it so cool. One last nice detail of the entire scene is the exaggerated sound of each background noise—cell phones dialing, car doors shutting, engine’s starting. Very nice.

    I really enjoyed the final battle between Peter and Isaac. Both actors played the scene well (physically and emotionally). Although for the life of me I will never understand why both of them want Simone so badly. You could both do a lot better, and a lot less *****y. The look on Peter’s face as he goes invisible is great—the character has made such a great transition over the season to a much darker, more intense place. And the final moments, as Simone dies, are heartbreaking. Death scenes can be tough, but she plays it well, and I love how Peter materializes at her side to catch her as she falls. One problem I have: Peter’s a nurse. He’s well-versed in first aid, and yet he does nothing here but look alternately helpless and angry at Isaac. One final note: how sad that she tried to give the key back earlier that day. If Isaac had taken it from her, he could have saved her life. It’s like he killed her twice.

    Bits and Pieces:

    * Hayden looks like a GAP ad in her first scene. (This is not a bad thing, I love The GAP.)
    * In one of the DVD commentaries someone suggests following the gun, HRG’s Company issued gun. I should sit down and do that one day when I have 8 million other more important things to do… (Probably next week.)
    * Never been to Bozeman Montana, but good lord, nice CGI background. Very nice.
    * Funny line: “I believe in fate, Mohinder, in karma, and I’m not just saying that ‘cause you’re Indian.”
    * Acting misstep: the guy from the “gaming commission” totally overacts. And I hate the line “Not a chance! I work alone, pal.”
    * Simone! Stop being nasty!
    * Awesome delivery: when asked whose idea it was to help Hope by the “gaming commission” dude, Hiro says “Ando,” in the most adorable voice I’ve ever heard.
    * I want a mom like Sandra! (Actually, no, wait, I already have the coolest mom on earth—love you, Mutti!) She’s so cute when she tells Claire to stop studying and to curl up with her instead with a piece of pie, a glass of milk, and a Cary Grant movie (my personal Cary fave is Charade—go see it, it’s a Hitchcock-like murder mystery with Audrey Hepburn).
    * Weepy Blonde Moment-of-the-Week: Hayden for her confrontation of HRG in the hospital. Ali, you better get back in the game, sweetie, you’ve been losing out to the cheerleader week after week lately. And good for you, Claire, shoving Daddy away. Make him earn your forgiveness!
    * Janice gets upset and suddenly she’s no longer got an American accent. Huh. Hey there, Aussie girl. (What up to my peeps in East Doncaster, VIC.)
    * Funny line: “If people knew what we were capable of… they would drop a collective brick.”
    * Only funny part of the Hiro/Ando/Hope storyline this episode: when the boys hide in the bus baggage compartment and contemplate how different their lives are now from a few weeks ago at their desks in Tokyo.
    * Claire, I know you’re worried about your mom, but shut your mouth in public about this stuff. And good job with the “strictest confidence” stuff, Doc, you’re really clear on what the concept of confidence means.
    * Awesomely funny delivery: “I had my blood tested. It’s in me, that isotope.” “Ted, you’re radioactive by nature.” Greg, I truly love how you do comedy. You may be my favorite funny-line-deliverer on this whole show.
    * I was happy about Hiro firing Ando and sending him back home. Too bad it’s not going to stick. (I suppose he is necessary for one more thing…)
    * I bet HRG is regretting his earlier condescending sarcasm to Matt. Now you and your whole family is in trouble. I hope the “oops” was worth it.
    * And last but definitely not least: Stan Lee as the bus driver! Yes! But again, bad form putting his name in the opening credits. Put it in the end credits as a special guest star, he’ll get his billing, but let it be a surprise for those watching! As soon as I saw his name in the first few minutes I was waiting for him to show up. Would have been cooler if it had been a surprise.

    Til next time, and why haven't you checked out my website for my other reviews yet?