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Lana's death

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  • Lana's death

    TITLE: SMALLVILLE, lana's death
    WRITTEN BY: MissLane
    The fanfic talks about: This love story between Lana and Chloe begins alter Lana’s death

    Chloe was in her room, totally depressed and sad because of Lana’s death.
    Her best friend Andrea Rojas was by her side.

    - Andrea, I can’t believe she’s dead.
    - You must accept that, rubia
    - I don’t want to accept it, I love her, I mean…
    - I know what you wanna mean Chloe, I know that you have never confessed her your love for her, but you have to see the truth, and she’s gone baby.

    Andrea held Chloe so close than andrea could feel the cold tears in her check.

    - I gotta go Chloe, you know… you will be ok??
    - Yes… thanks andrea
    - Why?
    - Because of your patience
    - You’re my Rubia! – smiled Andrea.

    Chloe was watching video of lana and her together. She couldn’t stop crying and darkness sprout in her heart.

    - this has happened because of Lex…

    Miss Sullivan took her bag and opened a drawer and took a gun.

    - He must die.

    * * *


    - IT’S YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!! – screamed Chloe
    - But.. what are you saying?
    - You killed Lana – cried Chloe
    - I – DIDN’T – KILL – LANA
    - Yes you did it

    Chloe took out the gun of her bag

    - are you crazy chloe? What are you doing? – said lex
    - KILL YOU!

    Chloe shot her gun but lex didn’t get hurt.

    - HOW!!! – screamed chloe
    - Your gun mustn’t work

    All the lights turn off and Chloe disappeared


    - Clark!!! Give me away!
    - Are you crazy chloe? What did you want to do?
    - Kill lex because of lana’s death
    - This is wrong chloe, you can’t decide if lex must live or die
    - I can’t live without LANA!
    - ….
    - You can’t understand it if lex killed Lois, what you’d do? Euh?
    - I can’t decide this
    - Give me alone
    - But chloe
    - I will call Andrea, maybe she can help you
    - …..

    Clark Kent called Andrea and asked her if she could go at Chloe’s apartment.
    Chloe is very hurt because of her loss.

    * * *
    Andrea Knocked at Chloe’s door, but there wasn’t any answer from Chloe.
    She decided to force the door.

    - Hey Rubia, are you there?
    - …
    - Chloe????

    Andrea checked all the apartment but chloe wasn’t there.
    But when she went to the bedroom, she saw the window open.
    She looked at the ground and she saw lex’s car.

    - Oh no!

    * * *


    - tie the girl in that chair….. – ordered Lex Luthor
    - lex, give me away!!!!!!!!!
    - You are the next Chloe
    - You will die someday lex
    - YOU ARE RIGHT CHLOE – said a woman’s voice – IT’S YOUR TURN LEX – and she shoot lex’s arm
    - LANA!!! – screamed Chloe

    Lana was alive and broke the cord.

    - come on chloe… I have my car outside

    chloe followed her.

    * * *

    When lana and chloe arrived at the apartment
    Chloe held lana very close.

    - hey chloe, sweety don’t cry
    - lana… are you here?? Really? I am not dreaming????
    - Can you feel this???

    And lana kissed Chloe in her lips.

    - euh.. no.. but…
    - shhh don’t say anything, I know your feelings, and it’s time you discover my own feelings for you. Please, kiss me again

    Lana and Chloe kissed to each other again and over again for all night, every day, every week, every month… till the end of times