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New AquaMan

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  • #16
    i originally wasn't going to watch the new aquaman series.. i wasn't a big fan of the aqua episode, but with justin coming on as a.c. i'm more inclined to watch.. he was great as fox on passions


    • #17
      Yeah, I liked him as Fox. It's sad that he left the show, but great news that he has a show to himself now and it's a superhero show too!


      • #18
        Originally posted by ProudPenny
        He looks early-to-mid-20s to me.
        I agree. He also has the mature college look as well. Plus I love that he is blonde.


        • #19
          AHHH Die Hard Justin Hartley fan here!

          I am SO excited for him landing a role in Primetime!

          I know myself, and tons of us on RnA, JHO and other Justin sites are SOO ready to watch this!

          Im here to learn as MUCH as I can about the show -- the writers (Ive never watched Smallville so I need to get an idea for what the creators generally put out) -- the actors etc!


          • #20
            Looks like we've got a new fan. Welcome, CrazyCarrie06. I knew Justin would bring in more fans! This could help Smallville as well. I'm really excited for this show now.


            • #21
              Originally posted by KryptonSite
              I have seen that Justin Hartley has a HUGE online fan following that hopefully will follow him over to this new project.

              mixture are in the program, elements Moonves likes, that all but guarantees Mercy Reef a slot on the fall schedule.
              YOU got that right Craig! lol we are QUITE the vocal group - don't mind us people's ::waving hi and hello to all that post here:: - we DO love our Justin since the moment he debuted on Passions, loved him through his character (his character, btw was made after they met him, he actually auditioned for another part and they 'made Fox' for Justin - THATS how good he is!) and applauded his decision to leaver behind a crappy storyline and move on to bigger and better !

              btw.. I'm Goonka, Justin calls me 'whats a Goonka'


              • #22
                TRACY!!! You and I got to get more Justin fans here! I know Jeanette just registered too!

                We're all excited to be here! Thanks for inviting us Craig!

                Justin calls me Crazy -- LOL but most people call me that too


                • #23
                  Wow, with a huge following of justin and Passions, maybe there should be a Passions thread in the Other TV Shows thread!


                  • #24
                    Ewwwwwwwww Not Passions -- we all HATED Passions

                    James E. Rielly (the headwriter of Passions) treated Justin like yesterday's trash and we were all RARIN for him to LEAVE Passions

                    PLZ dont add a Passions board!

                    Im doing a happy dance that Justin has requested the Passions board be DELETED from his site


                    • #25
                      ok, no passions thread.

                      I guess you guys are just Justin fans, uh?


                      • #26
                        Justin fans! Most definitly -- he's basically what kept me WATCHING Passions as PAINFUL as it became

                        Ugh -- its really sad because he was SOOO talented and they just WASTED that talent -- kept using his character as a whipping boy for the women and then shoving his character further and further on the backburner ---

                        Because Justin had the AUDACITY to say what he direction he thought his character should go in and that he

                        *GASP* Liked to do scenes with HIS WIFE -- oh the HUMANITY

                        Well in JER's soaps -- the actors need to keep their mouth shut and basically constantly say what a GREAT job he's doing --- even though JER can't write his way out of a paper bag

                        And when Justin opened his mouth -- that's when his storylines and scripts started going to hell and JER basically tried making a MOCKARY out of his talent -- so Justin said BUH BYE! And he's gonna dance CIRCLES around JER's STUPID soap


                        • #27
                          Wow, I didn't know there were bad feelings when he left. Well, at least he has his own show now (and it's about Aquaman!). He can truly show off his great acting skills here!


                          • #28
                            Justin's a good guy and will never admit to it -- but if you ask any of the fans -- you would know that he got treated like sh*t -- and the fact that in his last month or so -- he started "phoning it in" and probably giving some of the WORST acting I have EVER seen from him -- EVER -- shows that he REALLY didn't CARE anymore

                            He got two good things from the show though -- Lindsay Hartley, his GORGEOUS wife, and Isabella Hartley his BEAUTIFUL daughter --

                            And me! *tee hee* forever a fan!

                            I for one hope the NBC execs are going -- CRAP first we loose Jesse to ABC and then now Justin -- to CW

                            I mean -- Justin is on the front page of -- he's gotten MAJOR publicity TODAY ALONE -- I hope JER is getting REEMED for missing out on the AMAZING talent Justin is!


                            • #29
                              Yes, he can *finally* show his talents !

                              I ::mumbling under breath hope that Carrie forgives me:: still watch Passions (being a HUGE Lindsay fan - I'm dedicated to watch her through this - 6 yrs I've been with my girl - I won't bail on her now! lol) and now with the SciFi channel showing Passions (started last week in fact) from eppy 1, its very cool, EVEN though "Fox" won't make an appearance for a few years yet.

                              Some might like a Passions forum - BUT they can get heated.. bwahahahaa ..

                              We'll spread the word for Justin fans to come on over!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by CrazyCarrie06
                                Justin's a good guy and will never admit to it -- but if you ask any of the fans -- you would know that he got treated like sh*t -- and the fact that in his last month or so -- he started "phoning it in" and probably giving some of the WORST acting I have EVER seen from him -- EVER -- shows that he REALLY didn't CARE anymore

                                He got two good things from the show though -- Lindsay Hartley, his GORGEOUS wife, and Isabella Hartley his BEAUTIFUL daughter --

                                And me! *tee hee* forever a fan!

                                I for one hope the NBC execs are going -- CRAP first we loose Jesse to ABC and then now Justin -- to CW

                                I mean -- Justin is on the front page of -- he's gotten MAJOR publicity TODAY ALONE -- I hope JER is getting REEMED for missing out on the AMAZING talent Justin is!
                                ::sigh:: too bad that JERk is the master creator of Passions, eh? Justin coming on board, and the 'electricity' that Therox generated, drove the ratings up and then pffffffffffbbbbt to the couple because they outshone the 'writing talent' ::spit::

                                and yes.. Justin *does* have you too now Carrie and you 'know' that he thanks his lucky stars every day for joining the show because of it

                                btw.. that is Lindsay, his BEAUTIFUL wife and take note : his hair is NOT thinning.. lol he has gorgeous hair! not as good as Lindsay, but yanno :P

