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EU books pre prequels had a different version of Clone Wars and Vader's rise?

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  • EU books pre prequels had a different version of Clone Wars and Vader's rise?

    So doing some digging into the EU stuff, for like some of the stuff they hinted at for prequel stuff and found this bit of apparently the Clone Wars end 35 years before NH, which that first came up during Timothy Zhan's second book for the Thrawn trilogy.

    Something that was confirmed in the A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (2nd edition) identifies 35 BBY as the year the Clone Wars ended. Which in terms of the canon verse would have put the Clone Wars ending as roughly 2 years before the Phantom Menace took place.

    Also Anakin became Darth Vader much earlier then in canon, since the Battle of Honoghr took place, at the end of the Clone Wars.

    Long story short the battle took place over the planet and a ship that ended up having toxic waste and crashed into the planet. Mere weeks later Darth Vader with Stormtroopers showed up to Honoghr.

    Given Luke is say like around his late teens and early 20 at most in NH, that means Anakin had to get Luke and Leia's mom pregnant years after the Clone Wars ended.

    However I doubt Anakin was full on Darth Vader by that point so his fight with Obi Wan had to have happened following that, since I highly doubt cyborg Vader was help making any babies.

    Which Obi Wan's fight with Anakin where he got injured was for the longest of time, said to be where Anakin ended up falling into a molten pit/volcano type of deal and crawled his way out type of deal to explain his injures. Something brought about from the ROTJ novel, where also has Owen being Obi Wan's brother and Padme dying when Luke and Leia were 4. (though Padme isn't named.)

    Also the Clone Wars themselves well it was pretty clear that the Clones themselves were the enemies attacking the Republic, especially given how characters act involving Clones in the Zhan novels and things they say. Like Mara referring to the clones as a bunch of monsters who caused destruction across the Galaxy, though I'm paraphrasing, mentions of insane clones running around and including some Jedi clones gone wrong, if my memory is correct as well.

    What are your guys thoughts on this?
    Last edited by Haggard01; 02-07-2018, 09:13 PM.

  • #2
    Many of the early novels were written before the prequels. Lucas never told the writers about his plans for the prequels while he was writing them. That's what I think.

