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Loved It? Hated It? What did you think of the Arrow season premiere "Legacy?"

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  • #31
    I'd be totally impressed if it was 'Frank' Bertinelli and it was a Flashpoint anomaly that they'd consciously worked into Arrow where he lives in this altered timeline, but I doubt it.

    The Berlantiverse isn't all that good in executing a seamlessly shared universe.* Other than crossovers, they may as well be separate universes. My guess is it's some other (unknown) Bertinelli family member who took over the mob when Frank died. It's less lame writing than perhaps lazy -- they didn't bother to work into the past two seasons just how the underworld pecking order stood.

    It would have been easy enough to do, even as a throwaway line. Quentin, Laurel, Felicity or Ollie could have brought up some details about the SC underworld in conversation like "Hey, it looks like Marco Bertinelli's taken over the crime family" or "Listen up, police reports says the triads are ramping up their h-trade", etc. Whether or not that information spun out into actual subplots in previous seasons, the show could have made the effort to let viewers know the 101 FAQ's on what's going on with the city's criminal underworld.

    Casual Arrow viewers probably never picked up on it, but committed viewers would have asked: "Bertinelli?" when Tobias offed him. It's either lazy writing (not bothering to tell us who's running the mob now since Frank's death) or a conscious effort to include a Flashpoint anomaly aka Frank lives, which I see as unlikely.

    *[See: Team Barry and rest of DCTV crew cluelessness/ignorance on Havenrock, LOA Nyssa v. Malcolm civil war, Ra's final viral attack, HIVE's Genesis scheme, etc. Feel free to add to this increasingly embarrassing list.]

    "Shared" Flarrowverse universe indeed. It's not Arrow's fault in this regard, as Arrow can't be blamed for Flash not bothering to make the effort to reflect allegedly global crises that would affect them too not just Team Arrow.

    It's a Berlantiverse-wide issue.


    • #32
      Did anybody catch the Flashpoint nod? Its when Diggle is speaking with Oliver and he said hes having the wolrds worst dejavu


      • #33
        Originally posted by 134sc
        Did anybody catch the Flashpoint nod? Its when Diggle is speaking with Oliver and he said hes having the wolrds worst dejavu
        I think Diggle was referring to his previous time in the military and not anything to due with Flashpoint.


        • #34
          If he comes back from duty with Andy in tow, none the wiser about 'Dead' Andy's duplicity in the previous timeline, then we know it's Flashpoint.

          It's probably just Diggle realizing that being all you can be isn't exactly giving him the sort of post-fratricidal reprieve he was looking for. Less seriously - maybe he realizes that, to back Olicity full-hilt, he needs to be stateside to stoke those embers. Pray that it's his seeking a means to mend his fractured conscience that makes him come home, and you know, coming back to his wife and daughter - and not his overbearing concern about the status of Ollie's heartstrings.


          • #35
            Originally posted by President_Luthor
            Less seriously - maybe he realizes that, to back Olicity full-hilt, he needs to be stateside to stoke those embers. Pray that it's his seeking a means to mend his fractured conscience that makes him come home, and you know, coming back to his wife and daughter - and not his overbearing concern about the status of Ollie's heartstrings.

            After reading comments, I watched the first half (plan to finish it). I've found Felicity increasingly intolerable with each passing season and I'm always skeptical when people say Felicity was tolerable in an episode etc, but I agree that so far I like how they've written her in this ep.

            In other matters, so far I haven't felt that re-connection with Oliver that was the main selling point of the show for me, and that I lost in S4 Ep 1 when they showed him in Ivy Town with absolutely no thoughts of Star(ling) City crossing his mind whatsoever. And that they never subsequently re-established for me throughout that season (that emotional connection), swallowed up as he was by all the Olicity melodrama and his corresponding wussiness, the poor inconsistent fighting abilities they saddled him with and the overall lack of heroic behavior I saw in several scenes. Without that emotional connection to Oliver, I doubt I'll start watching regularly again but I will say that if I did, from what I've seen, Quentin is the one that I now feel most drawn to and most emotionally connected to. I really feel for the guy and I like what I'm seeing, so if I watched that's who'd I'd watch for (I did think it likely they would break him & Donna up over hiatus, based on an interview of Charlotte Ross I had read; plus getting rid of Donna was an easy minimal-effort way to try to signal to the anti-Olicity/Felicity, anti-bad-writing crowd etc that they were willing to dial back the Felicity ridiculousness that was infesting S4. So I was pleased to see that did happen; but I agree with @evaba: she's still out there in Vegas somewhere waiting to swoop back in. But if that is the case hopefully there'll be no Donna-Quentin melodramatic reunion angsty scenes)

            Oh and I find it hard to believe they (the producers, set designers, prop people etc) could not see how ugly that BC statue is. Ridiculous... Did they really design and build that thing and then stand back and think ... what? What did they think about that gosh-awful creation they came up with???


            • #36
              Originally posted by Shelby Kent
              Oh and I find it hard to believe they (the producers, set designers, prop people etc) could not see how ugly that BC statue is. Ridiculous... Did they really design and build that thing and then stand back and think ... what? What did they think about that gosh-awful creation they came up with???
              I think they were thinking of something they could destroy later on via Prometheus or some other baddie trying to prove his superiority over the heroes that no one, Olicity fans OR non-Olicity fans, would miss.


              • #37
                Originally posted by JDBentz
                I think they were thinking of something they could destroy later on via Prometheus or some other baddie trying to prove his superiority over the heroes that no one, Olicity fans OR non-Olicity fans, would miss.
                You may very well be right. And if that is what they were thinking, then that's even stupider of them. First, they want to consecrate how much she meant to the show and some fans by creating a statue. BUT, when the statue -- that is supposed to represent how much she meant -- is destroyed, they don't want it to matter that much that anyone would miss it, so they make it ugly. Yeah, that sounds like Guggenheim's thinking-style.


                • #38
                  How they wrote Felicity in Legacy, while still at the forefront/look at me, she seemed to be more muted than how she was in previous seasons, esp in S4 when in the premiere it was practically all about her and Ollie indulging in cul-de-sac yuppie fantasy living. If anything, Legacy is proof that they know how to -at minimum- dial it down re: Felicity and Olicity's presence vis-a-vis the story. More toned-down Felicity doing what she does best non-relationship-wise, less up-in-your-nostril-hairs Felicity adding yet more mortar 'n bricks to the Olicity momument.

                  Sticking to my S5 mantra not to dwell too much on the Olicity leviathan, Quentin in the premiere impressed the hell out of me. They gave a brief nod to his spiral into pity-boozing but he picked himself up ... got Thea to start weighing pros and cons about giving up Speedy ... and got Ollie to reassess his directionless mode and be more of a shark that chooses to swim and move forward. (Oliver quotes a Russian proverb that ties past and present nicely). All this from a guy who most fans thought would become little more than Donna's accessory toy dog in S5. So it was a surprise that both the diehard shippers and the 'Arrow sucks' crowd got it wrong about Quentin. If he doesn't backslide, then some crow on both sides may be eaten.

                  Donna could always come back and stir things up, never say never. But if it is permanent exile, then whoever stays in Vegas should remain in Vegas. #DSmoakInExile #PermanentVacation

                  Still vague about how exactly Quentin pays his own bills.

                  I do get that Ollie hasn't done quite enough (yet) to re-establish that emotional connection fans felt they had with him back in S1 and 2. My impression is that there were some small steps in this regard in Legacy, and it's a journey and a connection we are hopefully going to see him reclaim this season. On this front, it is S5-or-bust. If they can't achieve this in the season when the 5-year-arc is approaching its closure, then even I would say the series may not have much wind in its sails left. After Legacy I have fewer concerns now than I did at the tail end of S4 when most signs pointed to an Olicitypalooza with not even story as a restraint.

                  As for the statue, I have to agree on the aesthetic front. One of the YouTube aftershows said it looked like one of those foil-wrapped chocolate Easter bunnies. If they couldn't make her statue smokin' hot aka Katie Cassidy in bronze, with golden tresses blowing in the wind and combat-ready (my preference), then they could have at least made it 70% similar and in some sort of action pose. What we got was too cartoony, to put it mildly.
                  Last edited by President_Luthor; 10-08-2016, 06:56 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Haggard01
                    I think Diggle was referring to his previous time in the military and not anything to due with Flashpoint.
                    Could be. But I disagree. We will probably never know though


                    • #40
                      While Flashpoint imo didn't slay, I don't think there was that big a difference in how the love interest was portrayed. Yes, WestAllen was elevated to Olicity levels of "EPIC ROMANCE!", but it's not like Felicity's role in Legacy was utterly subdued. In a subtle manner, she was still the guiding light for Oliver. The episode was basically about him coming around to her logic. And then we got that scene with her and her new bf at the end of the episode to cement the fact that the melodrama is always around the corner.
                      Exactly just because its not explicit does not mean its not significant. The subtle manner of writing Olicity in season 1-2 is what led to Olicity being canon in season 3 in the first place (remember?), if they see people eating up this Olicity "friendship" [AGAIN], they will upgrade to the next level: Romance. Its bait!

                      Its an old trick, it will be basically history repeating itself.
                      Last edited by Aquahyde; 10-09-2016, 05:31 AM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Aquahyde
                        Exactly just because its not explicit does not mean its not significant. The subtle manner of writing Olicity in season 1-2 is what led to Olicity being canon in season 3 in the first place (remember?), if they see people eating up this Olicity "friendship" [AGAIN], they will upgrade to the next level: Romance. Its bait!

                        Its an old trick, it will be basically history repeating itself.
                        I definitely agree with you! I'm a 100% sure that Mericle and Guggenheim are still very much intent on catering to the Olicity shippers in as many ways as they can. Their portrayal of the Oliver/Felicity relationship may be more understated (or "ambiguous", to quote Mericle!) than the suburban fantasy we got in the season four opener, or the subsequent public marriage proposals and odd "spidey kisses". However, I'm sure that the writers/directors are going to leave enough subtle signs to show that Felicity and Oliver are more than just friends, even if Felicity has a boyfriend and Oliver has other things on his mind. And considering that Olicity fans were discovering romantic content and immense sensual chemistry even in season one, before the onslaught of intentional "ship tease" and "Olicity moments", they'll keep watching and be satisfied with the subtle (or not-so-subtle) dialogue and visual hints the writers/directors will feed them.....until the inevitable reconciliation, with kisses, renewed vows of love etc. etc.

                        The producers and writers must be well aware that many viewers regard the Olicity romance as a highly problematic aspect of the show. They must also be aware that Felicity has turned from being a breakout character to the most contentious and disliked (at least in some quarters) character on "Arrow". However, the fact that they thought it was a good idea to kill off Black Canary in season four, although her death made zero sense (since she had just started her hero journey) and although it won't have any impact on the story anyway (apart from an ugly-*ss statue and some gratuitous mentions of "what Laurel would have done/wanted") shows that they just don't care. If they had REALLY wanted Laurel's death to have some impact, they wouldn't have side-lined her the way they did in season four. Of course, if they REALLY had cared for her (not only as a DC icon, but as a main character that they had given four years of character development) they wouldn't have killed her off at all. They would have tried to give her meaningful arcs, even if she would never be Oliver's canonical partner.

                        My impression is that Guggenheim, Mericle and their writers are too much in love with their original creations/additions to the GA mythos to make any drastic changes in their formula. "Arrow" will remain what it was for the past two seasons, with some superficial changes that the producers/writers hope will lure the non-shipperviewers to keep watching. That's as least my pessimistic prediction. The fact that they got rid of Donna is no proof that they're willing to make any drastic changes, since Donna is a minor character and since the SmoakandLance romance got very little on screen development and screen time anyway. On the other hand, Olicity is THE ship on "Arrow", and I don't think Guggenheim et al will ever let go of a romance for which they have sacrificed so much (character consistenty, storytelling consistency etc.). They basically retconned most of Oliver's seasons one and two romantic history in order to accomodate Olicity and make Felicity look like the love of Oliver's life. I highly doubt they'll do the same thing to Oliver and Felicity , not after nearly having them get married (especially if this season is the last one). Mark my words, they will tie up the series with a lavish Olicity wedding, in the presence of all the Flarrow/Supergirl heroes!

                        I'll attach a good explanation of WHY so many viewers regard Olicity as detrimental to the original premises of the show:

                        Olicity, explained to non-Arrow watchers:
                        Felicity was a character who was used as comic relief in the first few seasons whose appearances increased once the writers realized that they had a potential breakout character. Except for a few who felt her humor was misplaced in an otherwise grim show, most people enjoyed her. Then the main writers left.

                        The new writers felt that social media represented most of the watchers and felt that it would be a good marketing decision to heighten Felicity's importance, to the point that by S4, the episodic plats were revolving around her family, her relationships, and her skills. Villains became hacking oriented. The camera shots focused in on her instead of Oliver. Cliffhangers were centered around her personal life instead of whatever the villain was doing.

                        To make it worse, the writers wrote the script to portray her as a woman with no flaws. In their attempt to create a strong female lead, they tried to write a female with no flaws. The problem was, Felicity had been a minor character for so long, they had no real character to base it off of, and if she has no flaws, they couldn't write a real arc for her. Therefore, all of her arc revolved around other people doing things to her, and subsequently being put in their place. Even worse, the writers didn't seem to know that they things they were having her do were making her a not only a badly written character, but a bad person as well.

                        The writers managed to piss off three different groups of people with the following actions.

                        1. (The comic book fans)-Ra's Al Ghul loving Felicity and encouraging her to go have sex in Nanda Parbat
                        2. (Storytelling fans)-Having her drop a nuke on a city and having her have no reaction whatsoever other a few shocked seconds, and then back to wisecracking
                        3. (Personal Drama fans)-Having her break of an engagement with a man who had just lost his son, and walking out on him as tears stream down his face

                        There are many reasons why Arrow has gone downhill-Bad choreography, story lines that go nowhere, flat characters, and a lack of depth. However, due to comments made on social media, many ex-fans have decided that the most of what made Arrow good originally was sacrificed to make room for a romance that hasn't been written well since it started. The writers have a hard time taking criticism about the Felicity issue since she is their original character, their baby, and they don't want to see something they sacrificed so much for (Olicity) go down the drain.
                        Last edited by evaba; 10-10-2016, 02:42 AM.


                        • #42
                          I watched the season's premiere yesterday and found it much better than the whole season 4 put together (okay, the part that I saw). The action looked pretty good (I found only that "shaky camera" a bit annoying, but it seems that nowadays everyone overuses it!), I liked the nods to season 1 - Ollie switching back to killing on one hand can be qualified as a regression, but when I have muffins and omelettes against The Hood mode I will take The Hood mode every time. I obviously liked how the upgraded costume looks < a subtle change maybe, but a huge improvement to me (#BringBackTheOriginalHood in the end of season 5 and I'll be even more happy).

                          I hope they are not going to overuse that slow-motion-arrow-shooting. And parashute arrow was just lol. At one hand it's a bit silly, but then again it's also so very comicbook.

                          I've enjoyed that the focus was put on street-level crime, and the flashback from Russia seem not only to be interesting but serve some purpose and actually have some connection with the present storyline. Corruption in SCPD, bad cops, gang wars etc. - those are areas which they should explore in the show like "Arrow".

                          I loved Oliver-Quentin scenes. (Quentin definitely dies this season, because it obviously can't last). Thea-Quentin was a good scene too. Lance is (at least temporarily) free from shipping stuff (but I'm fully expecting Donna will appear on the horizon before long).

                          Felicity was okay in this episode, she seemed like her season 1/season 2 self. And wait, what, she actually needed some time to disarm the bomb? She could hack something by pressing Enter? What is happening? o_O I liked also the scenes with Curtis. Generally it felt like most scenes were on the right place when it comes to the pace and how the plot/setting developed.

                          Not surprsingly the "fans" certain showrunners were pandering to last two seasons are right now on those showrunners' throats because "How could they treat Felicity like THAT". Reality check. Felicity is exactly at the place where she should be, filling the part she should - of course I'm not delusional, and I'm sure that R.M.S. Olicity under the captain J. Diggle is going to sail again very soon, but every episode without romance crap, and Felicity being Oliver's light or some other nonsense it's a win. (I'll repeat that Oliver Queen is not a fridge, he doesn't need light inside).

                          Loose thoughts:

                          >>> Finally Oliver-centric episode. Yay!

                          >>> Laurel's statue looked horrible. x_x No surprise that Quentin was crying when he saw it.

                          >>> Prometheus was ominous. I actually feel sorry for that Poor Random Honest Cop Who Was Murdered. They wouldn't even need to use the trope The Guy Who Is Soon Going to Be Killed Has a Wife and a Small Child. I wonder if now Ollie will need to order man-hunt on his alterego since the cop was murdered by an archer.

                          >>> I feel sorry for Felicity's new boyfriend because he will end up in the grave sooner or later. Or alternatively it can turn out that he is Prometheus. So, grave either way.

                          >>> They've brought back Frank Pike. I wonder if he is going to have some part, or was it one-off cameo.

                          >>> Obviously I've checked what the Russian writing visible behind Anatoly and Oliver meant and it's "For rent" if someone was wondering about that.

                          >>> Sooo... according to Arrow's writers there is a war on the Balkans? Because the map behind Dig clearly shown the countries on Balkan Peninsula.

                          >>> Stop shipping Olicity Dig!

                          >>> Oliver shot some arrows. And Wild Dog didn't immediately yanked the arrow out of his wound. What is happening? o_O

                          >>> They've even showed some blood. Arrow will never even distantly approach Netflix shows level of brutality, but the scene with Tobias Church beating that guy was even quite gruesome (for Arrow standards).

                          So, for the time being I'll watch this seasons and keep my bow and arrows ready in case they fail "Arrow" again. (Which will most likely happen in the second part of season 5, because some things simply won't change).

                          Overall, even if it's not going to last more than a few episodes it's really nice feeling to be for a change a part of the fanbase the show panders to.

                          EDIT: Laurel's last words don't make any sense. Another thing is that Tumblr didn't "fail" me and I've saw quite a number of Olicity fans' post (one written with Caps Lock) how awful character Laurel is etc. how she dared to make that demand and some other nonsense. Really, some people could really use a professional consultation. #BringBackDoctorPressnall
                          Last edited by Amarice; 10-10-2016, 04:49 AM.


                          • #43
                            ^Like your review! Glad you enjoyed the ep.

                            Ollie's in-flight(!!!) helicopter dust-up, freefall and escape was everything: it was entertaining, (deliciously) cheesy, definitely comic booky, parachute trick arrow(!) ... it was all of this. I've always wanted Ollie to do something death-defying where he does something that might normally be only in the realm of, say, Flash or SG. Why should only metas get to push the envelope? Batman in the recent Rebirth comics has foiled the bad guy by boarding a plane, in-flight, in a scenario that was twice as insane, so I'd say Oliver is in fine company.

                            The more I reflect on Legacy, it was Quentin who owned the coolness in this ep. Even if the spectre of Donna manages to slip back in SC, I am truly hoping that what they've done with him in the premiere (like drying concrete) gets a chance to settle and take hold so that he stays on sure footing no matter what she does. He was awesome here, he needs to stay this way ... but I also fear that increased awesomeness of a character likely means increased likelihood to die this season. Roy and Laurel are Exhibits A and B here.

                            Felicity was tolerable and even likeable in her scenes. She and Curtis will likely be called upon to keep the mood from getting too morose, and perhaps she Ollie and Diggle will have their hands full with the new recruits that they might not have time to do as much angsty hand wringing as in previous seasons. (They will save all that emoting for S5 Olicity, of course.) Yeah, her new dude -- at this point, does it really matter what his name is? -- is essentially emotional cannon fodder: a platform from which the next stage of the Olicity rocket can launch. It's a given.

                            When Tobias aka TWD's Tyreese was intimidating those city hall people with the bat, it was a TWD shoutout to what was going on TWD's finale with the bat-wielding Negan, so that was a cool nod. It's funny that Tyreese had his own GA-like, kill/no kill? crisis on that show, which many fans would say also went too long -- but it's no problem at all for Tobias. Plenty of blood on his hands and we're barely out of 5.01.

                            It looks like Thea will be running point on both keeping Mayor Ollie's political career on-track, and pulling GA Ollie's towards more defined rules of engagement in the field. The shippers might think his adopting Hood-like killing means that he's completely reverted to S1 aka not the tepid killing-is-not-my-style guy throughout much of S3-4. One of the thing Schism did do was outline what his rules of engagement would be -- he would kill, but only under extreme circumstances, and not out of convenience or flippantly.

                            Considering his S1 roots, I don't expect that he would drop killing but Thea's role here will be to steer him to his m.o. at the end of Schism. The way the show has set it up since late S4 is that Laurel was probably the only one who could have restrained him from putting killing back on the table, so Thea is in a sense picking up the torch here and trying to moderate those tendencies. She won't prevent him from keeping killing in his arsenal, but she might prevent him from slipping into a bloody, body-dropping free-for-all that would erase the good Roy's faked death had done for him.

                            I wasn't sure about where Diggle was deployed, I couldn't really see the map that well. Balkans makes more sense to me. Some other reviews didn't spell it out or didn't know - one said it was Chechnya, which makes zero sense since the West I'm pretty certain has no horse in that race and it's essentially in the Russian sphere of influence. Chalk this one up to North American ignorance of European geography.

                            By all means, if you see signage etc. in Russian in this season, I'm sure we'd like to know what it means too. So it looks like the Bratva found some warehouse that they were likely going to ice Flashback Ollie and no one would be the wiser -- if not for Anatoly saving his neck.


                            • #44
                              @President_Luthor > now I have a mental image of Ollie trying to squeeze the folded parachute back into that small container on the arrowhead.

                              Need to check that map again, but I'm sure it had Balkans shape and saw also a big writing Serbia. Haven't heard about any conflict in Chechnya recently. The most recent one was when Russia seized a part of Ukraine - now I have no idea what press in US wrote about that matter, but things were looking rather bad a while ago in the region. To be honest I don't really know what is happening over there because they don't write about that too much right now (Europe and Poland has enough of own problems for the time being - our current government consists of Donalds Trumps x_x).

                              Will certainly keep an eye on Russian writing on the background. Unfortunately I don't know the language, I've only taught myself how to read cyrlic. But I know whom to ask in case it will be a longer sequence.

                              Would like to see Ollie drinking vodka with Anatoly, eating herring and pickled cucumbers. Or sandwiches with caviar < I've had no idea that caviar is very common in Russia until my friend, who was there many times, told me that (for a change chicken legs are considered to be very refined dish). But I guess in Arrow they won't really show such a background. Vodka has to do.

                              Forget to mention that I loved all shots reminding that SC is a port city. It adds a certain atmosphere to the show. (Also, did I see it right and it was raining again after a whole season without a single drop falling? ).


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Amarice
                                @President_Luthor > now I have a mental image of Ollie trying to squeeze the folded parachute back into that small container on the arrowhead.

                                ... Forget to mention that I loved all shots reminding that SC is a port city. It adds a certain atmosphere to the show. (Also, did I see it right and it was raining again after a whole season without a single drop falling? ).
                                Average yearly rainfall in Vancouver: 1117.2 mm / 43.98 inches. At least on the precipitation front, they are going with more realistic Pacific northwest weather . With Ollie's previous sleeveless costume, he would have caught a cold 10 times over if he faced Darhk in typical weather.

                                And this one's for you, @Amarice:

                                (Minutes after Ollie's death-defying drop):

                                "Ollie: Whew, I made it alive! *sees parachute strewn across the dock* Oh, for cryin' out loud. *scrambles to collect all of parachute, does clumsy job trying to roll it into a ball* Diggle's a military guy, I'll call him. He'll know what to do *dials Diggle's personal cellphone*

                                Diggle: Oliver! Dude, this is, like, my personal cellphone. You're killing me on the roaming charges alone!

                                Ollie: Sorry, it's just that I used the trick parachute arrow and --

                                Diggle: 'It'll be more of a pain in the neck,' I said. Remember? 'It may save your life, but you'll be folding up that thing for hours afterwards,' I told you. But, noooooo - you said it was freaking awesome, a life-saver, what's one more little trick arrow ...

                                Ollie: So, how do I fold it up again?

                                Diggle: You have to align the pleats vertically, fold by fold, going with the grain of the material. Start with the wide end and work your way in ... *hears Army mess hall bell* Hey, man, I gotta go, it's dinner time at the barracks. I got me an appointment with some beef-a-roni and key lime pie. MMmmm! *hangs up*

                                Ollie: Wait, wait --! Hello? Did he say align the pleats horizontally, start with the narrow end and work your way out? Or was it the other way around? Arrgh!!! *the heavens open up with deluge of rain, puddles form on big parachute* Oh crap, crap, crap! *dials Quentin's phone* Quentin, you've got to come by the docks. I need -- umm, some back-up. Yeah that's it. Hurry!

                                (Hours pass, as Ollie and Quentin are still trying to fold up the parachute to fit into that tiny arrowhead. It is a complete failure. It is morning now and a bus full of schoolkids are on a field trip at the port. A few troublemakers in the back of the bus are shooting spitballs at them through the bus windows as they struggle with the parachute.)

                                Quentin: Stupid kids! Stop shootin' spitballs at us! As if this glorious morning couldn't get any worse! *mimics Ollie* 'I want more trick arrows, one of them should have a parachute'* Idiot!

                                Ollie: *exasperated* Might I remind you that the parachute saved my life, eh? When the parachute arrow worked, I have to admit it was pretty sweet to see.

                                Quentin: Pretty sweet, pretty sweet -- is that all you have to say about this? The parachute's half drenched, a dozen seagulls have already pooped on it, we're never, ever gonna get it all back into that tiny-ass arrowhead! I'm cold, wet and hungry ...

                                Ollie: A shark that does not swim, dies.

                                Quentin: That's like the fifth time you've quoted that to me. The last time you said it, I believe it was 4 a.m., a bunch of pigeons went to town on your hood with their droppings. You know what, this shark wants a cuppa coffee and a classic breakfast at Denny's, so see ya later! Oh, and you can bet I'll be giving Thea, Curtis and Felicity a heads-up on your sneaky 'back-up' requests. *points at the horrid, drenched mess that was the parachute* All this? This is on you, bud. *he leaves*

                                Ollie: *wringing out rainwater from parachute* Lian Yu was so much simpler. The rampant diarrhea, I admit, was not so cool -- but Yao Fei grilled up a tasty grilled cricket omelette in banana leaves. Now, those were pretty sweet ..."

