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Finale Predictions

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  • Finale Predictions

    Got any predictions for tonight's season finale?

    I've got a few. I'll post them here, so you all can laugh at me when I'm wrong.

    1: I love Willa Holland, but I think Thea is going to die. Why? Her death would affect every major character on the show right now, pretty much.... even Laurel, who she works with at CNRI. Something happening to her might/could force Roy and Oliver to form an alliance and give origin to Roy taking the "Speedy" name.

    2: I think the Markov device will be at least partly successful. Maybe it'd take down Verdant, leaving at least one character's fate in question?

    3: It would be clever if the "Osborn trope" of the son replacing the father didn't come to play, but that'll probably be what happens. If anything bad should happen to Malcolm, there might be a Lazarus pit or something like that in his future, so he won't be dead.

    4: Maybe not for this finale, but some year's finale... Oliver's secret will be known to all of Starling City.

    5: Either Shado or Slade will show up in present day Starling City.

    What does everyone else think we will see?

  • #2
    Definitely think Thea or Oliver's mom may not survive. Thea is a great character and I dont want her to die. Oliver's mom has had alot happen to her last episode so why not have 1 more thing happen to her in the finally. Ya know, death. Also I really hope they dont do the "Osborn" thing with the Merlyns. Want Roy to find The Hood and help save the Glades. Would be very cool if they left the show with a cliffhanger of Slade coming to town.


    • #3
      Slade or shado coming to town would be cool, but i dont think slade (deathstroke) should be the villian in season 2!


      • #4
        i have a feeling that either Thea / Malcolm will die...

        Although I love the Thea / Willa... only her death will trigger the connection of Oliver n Roy...
        or the reason Roy start to take drug and fall into darkness a little bit which I wanna see in season two...

        But in finale in Season Two, Roy will save by Oliver again and finally become Speedy to honor Thea

        This is all I wanna see for the whole season 2


        • #5
          We all know Oliver can't take Malcolm on his own, so someone has to help him. We know that Det. Lance finds the Markov Device (pictures show this to be true), Roy and Thea are swept up in the chaos in the Glades, and Tommy would be too conflicted to choose between his father and his best friend. Diggle might be an option, but if the pics are anything to go by, Dig's not gonna be any shape to help Ollie deal with the Dark Archer. That leaves a connection from the island, and I honestly favor Slade, though Shado would add an extreme level of discomfort to the whole Ollie/Laurel relationship, especially if she shows up with a kid in tow...

          Thea is my bet on who's going to die, especially now that they've revealed one of the regulars will die. Of course, there is always the option of Detective Lance being the regular killed off, but quite frankly, I would think they'd pick a character that would effect all of the remaining regulars. That, in my opinion, leaves Thea. Here's my breakdown of the regulars, and if their death would affect everyone. Obviously, Dig, Felicity, and Laurel are safe.

          Malcolm Merlyn:
          Malcolm's death would only affect the Lances if it was revealed that Malcolm sabotaged the Queen's Gambit, placing the blame for Sara's death at the feet of the Merlyn family rather than the Queens. It would also pave the way for whoever is meant to be the villain of Season 2.

          Quentin Lance:
          One thing I've noticed as of late in hero-based television shows and movies is that when a character who is against the hero (whether their heroic side or their public face), that's usually when the character snuffs it unless they're integral (ala, Lionel Luthor becoming a Machiavellian mentor to Clark from the end of Season 5 until his death in Season 7). So while I don't think Lance is the dead man walking, I have to acknowledge the strong possibility, especially since the pictures show him right next to the Markov Device in the images section.

          Moira Queen:
          If the previews are anything to go by, Moira is already going to face justice in the form of arrest and trial, because of her admittance on a televised conference about the Undertaking. So she is unlikely. And quite frankly, half the time she's a sociopathic *****, so I wouldn't be too upset, and I don't think anyone else would be either.

          Tommy Merlyn:
          Tommy is actually my favorite character other than Oliver. He's got a fantastic moral center, something you wouldn't expect from someone with his home life. But he's kept it by remembering his mother and what she would do. When the Undertaking is revealed, I've got a feeling Tommy will go into the Glades to help the people. If his father is revealed, though, his death might be caused by one of the residents of the Glades. If Malcolm survives and finds out, his hatred for the Glades and its residents will become even more terrible.

          Thea Queen:
          My number 1 bet. Why? She has a place in the lives of all the series regulars. She has been like a sister to Tommy and Laurel both; she's Oliver's little sister who used to tag along after him; she's Moira's only daughter; I think Dig will react simply because he knows how much Ollie cares for Thea; and she even has a place in Det. Lance's heart, if only as a reminder of Sara. And with Roy becoming a series regular next season, I can only assume that the death of his girlfriend would drive him to seek out the Hood even harder, so he can help make the city a better place so things like that won't happen.

          As for other predictions: I think the Markov Device might partially succeed, enough to wreck Verdant. Why? Because with Moira likely being arrested (you can't really back out of something you admit to doing on national television), and Walter likely feeling betrayed by not only his wife, but his best friend (Robert), I think Oliver is going to have to do what he didn't want to: take control of Queen Consolidated as CEO.

          Also, just my opinion, but if Slade does come to town, I don't think he's going to be a villain for a while. If Malcolm survives, than I can picture Slade showing up to give Ollie the push to become better and stronger than the man who killed his father.

          If Slade is not the one who helps Ollie kill Malcolm (if Ollie manages to kill the man in this episode), than I think it'll be Roy. And Ollie's hood will fall off, revealing the truth.

          Now, one thing I would note: this show has, by and far, done a lot to avoid so many tropes. In Smallville, it took a season for 1 person to find out Clark's secret, they lasted two seasons, and then it wasn't until the middle of fourth season that Chloe found out. After that, it took two more seasons for Lana to find out... need I go on? Whereas in just the first season of this series, we have Tommy, Diggle, Felicity, and now Malcolm finding out Oliver's secret. Also, if Oliver isn't sure he will survive the confrontation, as suggested by the producers and such, I'm guessing he's going to tell Laurel exactly who he is and what he's been doing. That'd be a definite trope-breaker, but who knows if that'll happen. I know it's unlikely, but I always say there's a slim chance.

          Well, I'm gonna hit the sack because I'm starting to see double, and I'm not drunk. That's never a good sign.

          Oh, and whose going to test the whole 'give yourself a heart attack' thing they say we shouldn't do, by watching 21/22/23 back to back? I'm going to.


          • #6
            I think mommy will sacrifice her life to save her sons life. She has mentioned she would do and has done many things in order to protect her children.


            • #7
              1) The Undertaking will be at least partially successful, so that next season Ollie can be filled with all the angst in the world.

              2) Malcolm *won't* die (wishful thinking, probably!) but Tommy will find out. This way, next season Malcolm can train Tommy as a believable fighter. Malcolm will slowly become less the dude who kicks the crap out of Oliver Queen and more the guy who pulls the strings on all the evil-y stuff in the city while Tommy plays Dark Archer.

              3) Lauren will be the one to kick it. Maximum impact. She works in the Glades, won't be able to leave people behind and will die. Her mother, now having lost both her daughters, will completely snap and become Black Canary. Oliver will be devastated and blame himself, pushing him further into his crazy vigilante-style justice. Tommy will blame Oliver, too, and throw himself into training with his father with some kind of horrible revenge as his motivation.

              4) Moira will end up in prison, where we won't be bothered with her crappy parenting and all the whining about morals while she does the exact opposite of what she claims to want.

              5) Roy will turn up to help at some pivotal moment, cementing his place as sidekick.


              • #8
                Originally posted by JDBentz
                As for other predictions: I think the Markov Device might partially succeed, enough to wreck Verdant. Why? Because with Moira likely being arrested (you can't really back out of something you admit to doing on national television), and Walter likely feeling betrayed by not only his wife, but his best friend (Robert), I think Oliver is going to have to do what he didn't want to: take control of Queen Consolidated as CEO.
                WHOA, that's some good spec. Not something I would have thought of but now that the possibility is out there, I think you're dead on.


                • #9
                  I think it would be an incredible weak and disappointing move by the writers if they decided to kill Thea off just for the sake of making a so called "Twist".

                  Let's look at her storyline throughout the season and compare to one of the other female characters, Moira:

                  Thea went from being this struggling and troubled teenager into a more mature and strong girl as she really started to turn her life around when she started at CNRI and met Roy Harper and overall: she is really at a much better place now than let's say, 11 episodes ago. Now let's look at Moira, the beautiful poor mother that has really trapped herself. She tries to get out from the Undertaking but fails, she tries to take Malcolm down but fails, she tries to keep these secrets from her children but fails as Oliver now knows.

                  She has been responsible for some people's deaths - despite that she didn't actually do it herself - and despite that I love Susanna Thomspon as well as Moira: she has to somehow pay for her actions but that doesn't mean that she can't be a hero in her final minutes as I could see herself sacrifice herself to protect perhaps Thea from Malcolm. So who does die: a character that isn't even aware of anything that has been going and been cleaning up her act since "Vertigo"...or the character who isn't a villain per say but still has been responsible and part of this Undertaking? Moira sadly but if the writers feel like pulling a twist and having Thea die; then I'm going to be incredibly disappointed because there is so much more that can be done with this character compared to Moira and also, I love Willa Holland and her character as she is one of the characters that you can relate the most to.

                  While I can understand what you mean Craig with Thea's death really affecting everybody and possibly bringing Roy and Oliver together, etc: that is not how I want Roy and Oliver to get closer together because of her death. The characters that would be most affected by her death is Oliver, Roy, Moira - if she should survive instead -, Walter - even though he doesn't count as one of the series regulars -, Laurel and Tommy. I don't see Diggle, Felicity and Quentin being that much affected, aside from them feeling sorry for Oliver if that would happen.

                  Now then there is Malcolm Merlyn...I don't see him surviving this finale at all as they have really been building him up as the big bad and also let's remember - and this isn't the main reason why I think he will die - that Barrowman isn't cheap; I think that there was some discussion at Paley where they said that having both Manu Bennett and Barrowman does cost some. I love John Barrowman like nuts but I think that in order to make Tommy take the next step in his road towards darkness: his father has to die. I know this will be basically like the Spider-Man/Osborn thing but I don't really care to be honest because I think it will be much more interesting to see how Tommy and Oliver becomes nemesis throughout the series instead of seeing a Malcolm/Oliver rivalry. Also if we are comparing this to the Spider-Man/Osborn thing that Sam Raimi's Spider-Man did: Arrow will actually be able to do it much much much better.

                  Might edit my post if I have something else to add but other than that: can't wait for tonight!


                  • #10
                    They could still save the money by sending Malcolm out of town -- either run out of the city, or so badly injured -- just so they can bring him back at a later, better time.

                    Can you imagine Malcolm and a present day Slade working together?

                    I think Moira needs to see the consequences of her actions. Even in real life, people don't die just because they are bad people.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KSiteTV
                      They could still save the money by sending Malcolm out of town -- either run out of the city, or so badly injured -- just so they can bring him back at a later, better time.

                      Can you imagine Malcolm and a present day Slade working together?

                      I think Moira needs to see the consequences of her actions. Even in real life, people don't die just because they are bad people.
                      Could I imagine a Malcolm/Present Slade team-up? Sure but that depends...would it be possible to have both the Merlyns alive?

                      You are right about Moira for sure but I still think she is going to die even though I don't really want to....can't just everyone survive?! :P


                      • #12
                        Im hoping Thea and the Mom dies. I personally dont like either of them and personally find their scenes boring.

                        I think Deathstroke might turn up in Starling City. Perhaps make us think he was killed on the island and have a cliffhanger where he shows up in the city.


                        • #13
                          Andy, you make some decent points. Another point, though: despite this show's general shunning of TV tropes, it is still a drama, and when you're going for extreme drama in a finale, you don't kill off a character that pretty much everyone hates (Moira). You go after the one who is starting to seem like an okay person, more of a member of the team. That leaves two, in my opinion: Thea Queen and Detective Lance. I can see either of them dying, especially since they'll both be in the Glades when the Markov Device is meant to 'vibrate'. While Lance is technically a series regular, I just don't see him dying for some reason. I can't explain why. But the question is: has Oliver ever had a sister in the comics? Or is Thea Arrow's version of Chloe Sullivan? The primary difference, in my opinion, is that Thea is not as well-loved as Chloe was, but she has begun to 'redeem' herself from the junkie brat that she was in the beginning...

                          Now, if Lance is the person who dies (and he's the only other one I feel likely, unless by some strange occurrence Tommy is the one in the Archer outfit, which even I admit now is very unlikely), I'll find it okay, because it is quite frankly a drama trope that if a character starts being accepting of a character he hasn't been the entire time, it goes one of two ways: they die, or they become a much more important figure in the MC's life.

                          In Smallville, Lionel Luthor played antagonist and then became a mentor-like figure, but with a Machiavellian twist, to Clark. In this, I can see Lance finding out Oliver's secret, and deciding to help him for one reason. I think that's who Felicity is talking to in the previews, telling Lance that Oliver is more than a vigilante, that he's some kind of hero.

                          Now, considering Oliver just has not beat Malcolm the past two times they've gone head-to-head, there's no plausible way he kills Malcolm without help. And remember, MALCOLM IS NOT A SERIES REGULAR. So he is not the one they've said dies. He might die, but he is not the only one.

                          Since I don't see Ollie beating Malcolm on his own, and recently posted interviews say that Roy and Thea will not be part of that fight, since they'll be doing something else, I think that narrows it down to a handful of characters to help Ollie in his fight with Malcolm. I don't think Dig is going to be able to do it, if the pictures of him from the finale are any indication. Moira, I think, is going to be in custody. Felicity, the same. Detective Lance, by the Markov Device. That leaves (in my opinion) Tommy, Laurel, and Slade Wilson.

                          Tommy: Unlikely. He's too caught up with daddy issues and his best friend "being a serial killer".

                          Laurel: Possible, if its revealed Malcolm is the one by Moira. I also wonder if Moira will reveal the truth of the Queen's Gambit and who sabotaged it. If so, I can imagine Laurel being in the Merlyn building to confront Tommy about it, ask if he knew.

                          Slade: My Most Likely Candidate. Especially if, as someone said above, they make us think in a flashback that he died (which from the previews suggests a possibility) and then he arrives to help Oliver. No doubt with some military comment about watching his back. I would like to see Slade be a sort of 'partner' in the present for Oliver in the next Season, and then he slowly becomes the villain for Season 3 over the course.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JDBentz
                            Andy, you make some decent points. Another point, though: despite this show's general shunning of TV tropes, it is still a drama, and when you're going for extreme drama in a finale, you don't kill off a character that pretty much everyone hates (Moira). You go after the one who is starting to seem like an okay person, more of a member of the team. That leaves two, in my opinion: Thea Queen and Detective Lance. I can see either of them dying, especially since they'll both be in the Glades when the Markov Device is meant to 'vibrate'. While Lance is technically a series regular, I just don't see him dying for some reason. I can't explain why. But the question is: has Oliver ever had a sister in the comics? Or is Thea Arrow's version of Chloe Sullivan? The primary difference, in my opinion, is that Thea is not as well-loved as Chloe was, but she has begun to 'redeem' herself from the junkie brat that she was in the beginning...

                            Now, if Lance is the person who dies (and he's the only other one I feel likely, unless by some strange occurrence Tommy is the one in the Archer outfit, which even I admit now is very unlikely), I'll find it okay, because it is quite frankly a drama trope that if a character starts being accepting of a character he hasn't been the entire time, it goes one of two ways: they die, or they become a much more important figure in the MC's life.

                            In Smallville, Lionel Luthor played antagonist and then became a mentor-like figure, but with a Machiavellian twist, to Clark. In this, I can see Lance finding out Oliver's secret, and deciding to help him for one reason. I think that's who Felicity is talking to in the previews, telling Lance that Oliver is more than a vigilante, that he's some kind of hero.

                            Now, considering Oliver just has not beat Malcolm the past two times they've gone head-to-head, there's no plausible way he kills Malcolm without help. And remember, MALCOLM IS NOT A SERIES REGULAR. So he is not the one they've said dies. He might die, but he is not the only one.

                            Since I don't see Ollie beating Malcolm on his own, and recently posted interviews say that Roy and Thea will not be part of that fight, since they'll be doing something else, I think that narrows it down to a handful of characters to help Ollie in his fight with Malcolm. I don't think Dig is going to be able to do it, if the pictures of him from the finale are any indication. Moira, I think, is going to be in custody. Felicity, the same. Detective Lance, by the Markov Device. That leaves (in my opinion) Tommy, Laurel, and Slade Wilson.

                            Tommy: Unlikely. He's too caught up with daddy issues and his best friend "being a serial killer".

                            Laurel: Possible, if its revealed Malcolm is the one by Moira. I also wonder if Moira will reveal the truth of the Queen's Gambit and who sabotaged it. If so, I can imagine Laurel being in the Merlyn building to confront Tommy about it, ask if he knew.

                            Slade: My Most Likely Candidate. Especially if, as someone said above, they make us think in a flashback that he died (which from the previews suggests a possibility) and then he arrives to help Oliver. No doubt with some military comment about watching his back. I would like to see Slade be a sort of 'partner' in the present for Oliver in the next Season, and then he slowly becomes the villain for Season 3 over the course.
                            To begin with: Thea Dearden Queen is based on the character Mia Deadren who is the second Speedy in the comics.

                            If anyone is like Chloe, it would be Felicity Smoak. I don't get where people are getting this idea that Tommy is actually the one in the Archer outfit. You are right though that Tommy is unlikely to die and my reason for that is that he is supposed to be the one who becomes Oliver's nemesis down the line.

                            Not sure but I have never felt that everyone hates Moira, I think she is one of the more tragic characters on the show.

                            I was speculating at the early run of Arrow that Quentin could potentially die in the finale but I think that Green Arrow as a character needs someone like Detective Lance and I actually like him a lot more now than I did compared to first run of the season but the chance is still there.

                            I'm quite aware that Malcolm is not a series regular; I have believed since the middle of the season that a guest regular and a series regular will die in the finale. I think what makes it more interesting if both Malcolm and Moira dies is that it will put Oliver and Tommy against each other for pretty much the rest of their lives. Also with Moira dead, I think bringing in Walter as a series regular for next year could be very interesting as we could see a great stepfather relationship between him, Oliver and Thea.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by AndyB
                              To begin with: Thea Dearden Queen is based on the character Mia Deadren who is the second Speedy in the comics.

                              If anyone is like Chloe, it would be Felicity Smoak. I don't get where people are getting this idea that Tommy is actually the one in the Archer outfit. You are right though that Tommy is unlikely to die and my reason for that is that he is supposed to be the one who becomes Oliver's nemesis down the line.

                              Not sure but I have never felt that everyone hates Moira, I think she is one of the more tragic characters on the show.

                              I was speculating at the early run of Arrow that Quentin could potentially die in the finale but I think that Green Arrow as a character needs someone like Detective Lance and I actually like him a lot more now than I did compared to first run of the season but the chance is still there.

                              I'm quite aware that Malcolm is not a series regular; I have believed since the middle of the season that a guest regular and a series regular will die in the finale. I think what makes it more interesting if both Malcolm and Moira dies is that it will put Oliver and Tommy against each other for pretty much the rest of their lives. Also with Moira dead, I think bringing in Walter as a series regular for next year could be very interesting as we could see a great stepfather relationship between him, Oliver and Thea.
                              Ah, so that's where Thea comes from. I never knew her middle name was Dearden for some reason. Thanks for the info.

                              I can't fault your logic on Malcolm and Moira, and what their deaths would mean to their sons. It does seem possible; but I think they'll use Roy as the actual Speedy sidekick in this show, and I can see him taking Thea's old nickname as an homage. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean she'll die here in the finale. But I doubt she's going to make it out of the series alive.

