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Two Sleeping Beauties?

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  • Two Sleeping Beauties?

    I missed this the first time I watched the episode but on second viewing, I noticed that when Aurora was talking to Phillip when she first woke up, she said (about Maleficent): "First she goes after my mother, then me".

    Does this mean that there were actually two Sleeping Beauties, Aurora's mother being the first one?

    Note that in the Charles Perrault text, Sleeping Beauty's daughter was named L'Aurore. That's where Disney got the name from (they just used it for the princess herself). So OUAT's Aurora being the daughter of the original Sleeping Beauty kind of ties back to the text the story is adapted from, in a way.

  • #2
    I was curious about this as well, because I feel like Regina made a reference to her doing it already when she talked to Maleficent for the first time. It'd make sense that she'd go after the daughter though, since she was unsuccessful (or like Regina, wanted to go after the entire family) the first time.

    Not to mention, there's two different tales that I can remember for Sleeping Beauty. One being the tale we know by Disney to where she was woken up by true love's kiss and it was happy ever after, and the other where the kiss didn't actually work (and actually put the Prince to sleep as well), and I can't remember the rest...but I feel like the ending to it was a dark one to where they either slept forever, or died.

