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Legacy (Clark and Tess)

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  • Legacy (Clark and Tess)

    Title: Legacy
    Pairing: Clark/Tess

    Setting: about 5 years after season 10 finishes. Clark and Lois are married with a one year old boy – Jonathan. Oliver splits his time between Star City and Metropolis, managing Queen Industries and is still the Green Arrow. Martha is still a senator in Washington DC but comes home semi regularly. Lex is back and is the President Elect at the moment. Tess lost her job when Lex returned but helps Oliver run Queen Industries, and sometimes acts as Watchtower when needed. conglomerate. And Clark is finally superman.

    Synopsis: Lois dies leaving Clark to pick up the pieces and look after their baby boy. Tess helps him and they get closer.
    Please tell me what you think. This is my first fanfic and I would love the feedback.

    Chapter 1

    The words reverberated around his head. She was dead. She was dead.

    Clark Kent watched as the wood casket was lowered into the ground. But he didn’t see. He hadn’t seen much of anything over the last week. He didn’t believe this was happening. It was too soon. They hadn’t had enough time.
    I wish we had more time.

    Next to him, his mother let out a quite sob and he wrapped an arm around her. A habit his wife teased him about but secretly adored. Clark almost smiled. If she could see him now… Clark stopped that thought. His wife wouldn’t be seeing anything anymore. She was dead.

    Martha Kent wrapped her arms around her son, holding him close, desperately trying to stifle her sobs. Her son had just lost his wife; Clark needed her to be strong. Her grandson needed her to be strong.

    Clark felt his mother’s touch but it didn’t register. He felt the cold snow fall on his face, caressing his skin as once she did. He closed his eyes, wishing it was her touch. But it was too cold. She was always so warm, even to him, warm like the fire that ignited her spirit, her passion.
    I love you Smallville.

    A memory danced through his mind. A smile shimmered in front of him, disappearing as he opened his eyes. The minister was speaking now; words that Clark had heard a thousand times as Oliver struggled to find the words to describe someone was unique. How do you sum up a life? A life like hers?
    She’s bossy… She’s stuck up, she’s rude. I can’t stand her.

    You can’t, Clark thought. You can’t sum up her life in a few words, like the headlines she created. His green eyes moved to the casket, seeing through the wood of their own volition. He saw her. She was still, silent. His wife was never silent. She always had to have the last word.
    Because I’m me, hello.

    Clark looked passed the casket to where Oliver Queen, best man at their wedding and friend, stood. The proud man had tears flowing freely down his face for the woman he regarded as his best friend. Clark looked passed Oliver to the crowd gathered behind him. He realised how much she was loved. There was easily a hundred people gathered. She would have loved it. If she was here…

    A tear fell from Clark’s eye. She was gone. Forever. The revelation he’d been avoiding for a week hit him hard. She was gone. She was dead. She was never coming home again.

    He heard the casket hit the bottom of the grave and wanted to yell at someone to be more careful. She was fragile; she was his wife. A baby’s cry stopped him. His son. Their son.
    We’ll name him Jonathan after your father.

    Shushing followed immediately. But the red-haired woman that held him wasn’t his mother. Clark took his arm away from his mother and reached out to Tess Mercer. She carefully passed the one-year-old over to his father and wiped the tears from her eyes.

    Clark turned his attention to Jonathan. The baby squirmed in his fathers arms, trying to get comfortable but still crying loudly. He glared at Clark with his mother’s green eyes as if everything was his father’s fault. Clark merely starred back. Jonathan looked so much like his mother. The eyes, the nose, the defiance all like her in miniature.
    He’s so adorable. He looks just like you, Honey.

    This was all he had left of her. This small person was all she left. Why did she have to die? Why did she have to give up? Jonathan sensed his father’s sadness and squirmed even more. He let out a pained whimper and Clark realised he was holding him too tight.

    He couldn’t do this. Not alone. Why did she have to abandon him? Clark passed Jonathan to a surprised Tess. “Take him.”
    She complied, looking at him curiously. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” She said so softly only he could hear her. She looked back to the minister as he started the final blessing. Tess took Jonathan’s small hand in hers. “Your Mommy loves you.” She whispered to him. “We won’t let you forget her.”

    Clark turned and walked through the crowd. They parted like the red sea, allowing the grieving widower through. As soon was he was out of range of curious eyes, Clark launched skyward, flying out of the atmosphere.

    Hovering in orbit over the Earth, he let out an anguished scream. “Why did you have to go? Why didn’t you tell me you were dying? Why didn’t you let me say goodbye?Lois I love you.”

    The empty vacuum of space gave him no answers.

    Review please. Pretty Please.

  • #2
    Wowzy! I like the premise of this story, minus Lois dying part of course. Can't wait to see where you take this. Glad to see another Clark/Tess fic.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rebakathy
      Wowzy! I like the premise of this story, minus Lois dying part of course. Can't wait to see where you take this. Glad to see another Clark/Tess fic.

      I'm glad as well to see another Clark/Tess story. Is this story going to be a Cless friendship story or a romantic one? PPMS!


      • #4
        great start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 plz update soon loving cless


        • #5
          I'm growing fond of Cless stories and would love to see more of them out there. Ironically, I like the fact that Lois is dead, because I like to think it's the only way Clark would ever look elsewhere for a companion. So... it's bad that's she's gone, but relieving at the same time... does that make sense? anyway, i'd love to see more of this.


          • #6
            Thanks guys I promise to update regularly.

            I'm glad as well to see another Clark/Tess story. Is this story going to be a Cless friendship story or a romantic one? PPMS!
            It's going to be a friendship that turns into a romance. Most likely very slowly so Clark has time to mourn Lois.

            I'm growing fond of Cless stories and would love to see more of them out there. Ironically, I like the fact that Lois is dead, because I like to think it's the only way Clark would ever look elsewhere for a companion. So... it's bad that's she's gone, but relieving at the same time... does that make sense? anyway, i'd love to see more of this
            It totally makes sense. That was the way I looked at it. After Season 9, Clark would only ever have eyes for Lois unless she died, lost his memory or they had a mega argument.

            Thanks again. You guys rock One question: What does PPMS mean? I've seen it everywhere but I don't understand.


            • #7
              PPMS = Please Post More Soon


              • #8
                PPMS = Please Post More Soon


                • #9
                  Great start...

                  Great start can't wait to see where this goes. I always thought a Clark/Tess fiction is interesting. Now that it is revealed that she is a Luthor that going to be a great storyline. This is going to be a great story.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mercy_Mermaid
                    Thanks guys I promise to update regularly.

                    It's going to be a friendship that turns into a romance. Most likely very slowly so Clark has time to mourn Lois.
                    That's cool. Thanks


                    • #11
                      I forgot to put that I do not own Smallville or Superman. But I think we all knew that. Anway on to Chapter 2. Feedback is much appreciated (hint hint)

                      Chapter 2

                      Martha looked up anxiously at the darkening sky through the kitchen window. She was starting to worry: Clark had been gone for four hours. He was missing Lois’ wake and people were starting to ask for him as they left.

                      She looked over her shoulder into the living room and surveyed the small crowd it contained. All of the political ‘friends’ and acquaintances had left; leaving only a few friends behind. Perry White was making small talk with a morose Oliver who was barely paying attention. Cat Grant was talking to the younger Jimmy Olsen. Martha’s expression softened as she watched the young photographer. He was so similar to his older brother. She felt a surge of pride for Clark and Lois taking the boy under their proverbial wings.

                      “Grana!” Little Jonathan crawled into the kitchen more quickly than should have been possible. Martha checked that no one had seen as put the now clean dishes down and knelt to pick up her beloved grandson.
                      “You need to slow down Sweetheart.” She told him quietly. “Unless you’re with family you can’t do that. Understand?”
                      “Ta!” He was too young to comprehend the need for secrecy. Too young to ever remember his mother.
                      “Sorry Mrs Kent. He got away from me.” Tess entered the room carrying a cardboard box. “It’s all the alcohol in the house.” She answered Martha’s unasked question. “Oliver was eyeing off the brandy so I thought I’d take it away before he got wasted.”
                      “Fair enough. He’s taking over Clark’s patrol this week isn’t he?” Martha lowered her voice to a near whisper.”
                      “Yeah. I don’t think a drunk Oliver would do anyone any good.” Tess answered as she shoved the box into a cupboard on top of the fridge. “ Think he’ll look there?”
                      “Oh and Perry was looking for you. I think he wants to leave.” Tess said. “I’ll take him if you want to talk.” She reached for Jonathan.
                      “Thanks.” Martha passed him to her. “I should probably thank him for keeping the press away today.” She started walking to the living room when there was a knock on the door.
                      “I’ll get it.” Tess said and opened the door
                      “Hello Tess. Fancy seeing you here.” President Elect Lex Luthor smirked at her. “Wait, I forgot, you’re the nanny aren’t you? Hello Jonathan.” He ran a finger down the baby’s face. “You look like exactly like your father.” Jonathan frowned at the stranger touching him, turned his head and bit him. “Ow. Little…” Lex quickly retracted his finger. “I see you have your mother’s attitude too.”
                      Tess held back a smirk. Jonathan was getting a treat for that one. Lois had trained her son well. “Lex, what are you doing here?” Tess leant against the doorway, her poker face rivalling her half-brothers’.
                      “I came to pay my respects. Aren’t you going to let me in?”
                      Behind her, Tess heard a distinctive, “Hell no,” from Oliver.
                      Tess raised an eyebrow. “You came to pay your respects with a four man escort?” “Expecting resistance?”
                      “I’ll be happy to give it to him.” Oliver muttered darkly. Tess refrained from rolling her eyes. Oliver could be juvenile sometimes.
                      “It’s normal for me.” Lex shrugged. “Are you going to let me in or are you going to leave the President Elect standing outside?”
                      Martha stepped forward. “Lex, I appreciate your condolences but I think it would be better if you left.” She stood beside Tess, a united front.
                      “As you wish Senator.” Lex said, inclining his bald head toward her. “Please pass on my condolences to Clark.”
                      “Goodbye Lex.” Tess unhooked the door with her foot and kicked it shut. A minute later they heard the car start up and leave.
                      Perry stood up. “Come on Grant. We should be going too.”
                      “Yes boss. Jimmy, do you want a lift?” Cat asked, standing and smoothing out her skirt.
                      “If it’s no bother.” Jimmy stood and looked to Mrs Kent. “We’re so sorry for your loss.”
                      “If you ever need anything…” Cat trailed off, the offer made clear.
                      “Thank you both of you. Take care on the roads.” Martha moved out of the way to let them through.
                      “Tell CK I’m thinking of him.” Jimmy added as he left.
                      Perry walked up to Martha and took her hands. “Martha, if you need anything please call me. And tell Clark that he can take as much time as he needs.”
                      “Thank you Perry.” Martha smiled at her old friend.
                      “That goes for you too Ms Mercer.” Perry said as he grabbed his jacket. “If you need anyone to baby sit the little tyke…”
                      “You’ll be first on the list.” Tess smiled. She took Jonathan’s hand and waved good bye with it. “Say bye bye Jonathan.”
                      “Ba Ba.” Jonathan crowed loudly.
                      “Close enough.” Perry shrugged and left.
                      “Do you two need a hand cleaning up?” Oliver asked. “I have a few minutes until I need to leave.”
                      Tess smiled at him. “You can change Jonathan.”
                      He balked at the suggestion. “I think I’ll just go. If I see Clark…”
                      “Tell him to come home.” Martha suggested. “I’m getting worried. It’s not like him to disappear like this.”
                      “Will do.” Oliver kissed her on the cheek. “Take care.”
                      “You to.”
                      Tess through an arm around him, giving him a sideways hug. “Don’t do anything reckless Oliver. Please.”
                      Oliver gave her a lopsided grin. “Me? Reckless?” Tess glared at him. “I’ll be safe.” He promised and walked out the door.
                      “Do you think he’ll be ok?” Tess asked Martha.
                      “As well as any of us.” Martha replied sadly. “Can you put Jonathan down? He’s missed his bed time already.”
                      “Sure.” Tess left. “Come on Baby let’s get you to bed. Maybe one of us will sleep tonight.” She walked up the stairs, her free hand gently rubbing circles on Jonathan’s back. She turned to up the hall and found Clark sitting on the floor opposite his bedroom door.
                      “Clark? How long have you been here?”
                      He looked up through bloodshot eyes. “A few hours or so. He asleep?”
                      “Not yet. I was just about to put him down.” Tess shifted on the spot, unsure of what to do.
                      He waved her passed. “Go ahead, he needs the sleep.”
                      She quickly went into the nursery, changed him and placed him in the cot. She kissed his forehead and pulled up the blanket. “Essa…” Jonathan garbled,. “Essa say.”
                      “I’ll stay for a little while Baby.” Tess turned off the lights. “I’ve got to sleep too..” She turned of the lights so only the nightlight was on. She sat with him, singly softly until he fell asleep. “Sweet dreams baby.” She backed quietly out of the room
                      “Is everyone gone?” Clark asked.
                      Tess nearly jumped. “Yes. Perry said you could take as much time as you need.”
                      Clark nodded. “That’s good. I can’t go back there tomorrow.” She should be there.
                      “Maybe later,” She murmured as she sat down next to him.


                      • #12
                        Glad to see another update. I am loving little Jonathan. Can't wait for more.


                        • #13
                          Love the story. Can't wait to read more.


                          • #14
                            Loved it! PPMS!


                            • #15
                              Love the story build...

                              I love how this story is building it just shows great character. I love how baby Jonathan talks and I can totally see him biting Lex it just great. So Jonathan has some of Clark's powers. I love how he adores Tess and love how Clark is going to be able to turn to Tess for confort. Keep it up.

