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Charmed Life (Bart/Chloe) PG Smallville/Charmed crossover

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  • #31
    Awesome update. I so can't wait for more. PPMS


    • #32
      Clark and Chloe returned to Metropolis late morning. Fortunately, for Chloe, it was the weekend and she didn’t have to work. She still hadn’t absorbed the fact that she was not only a witch, from a long line of witches, but she also had great power.

      When they reached the apartment at the Talon, they found Lois pacing up and down the room furiously. She saw Clark and immediately strode toward him.

      “Where have you been?” she berated him fiercely. “I was about to call the police and …”

      Chloe had stepped from behind Clark and Lois’ eyes widened as she saw her cousin.

      “Oh my god, Chloe. I was so scared. Where were you? Oh god, never mind,” she said pulling the blonde into a bear hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay cuz.”

      Chloe submitted to the hug from her taller cousin, face grimacing as Lois hugged her a little too hard.

      “It’s okay, Lois,” she said. “I’m fine.”

      “Clark was telling me some cock-and-bull story about how these guys were demons or some nonsense like that.” She gave a derisive snort. “Like I believe that.” Lois began babbling about something else, so relieved to see her cousin home and Chloe let her go on with a glance at Clark. He shrugged as if to say: ‘I had to tell her something’.

      Chloe just sighed and plopped down on the couch. It had been a strange couple of days and she was exhausted.


      Piper was busy making lunch for the family while Paige and Phoebe were again on the Internet, trying to find some clues to Phoebe’s vision.

      “So what exactly did you see?” Piper asked, stirring batter a bowl.

      “I’m not sure,” Phoebe said. “It was kind of hazy. All I know is, Chloe was in trouble. She looked like she was trying to run away from something. Only I don’t think it was a demon. It just wasn’t clear.”

      “What about that vision you had in the Talon?” Paige asked. “About the bald guy.”

      “Who did Clark say he was?” Phoebe asked with a frown.

      “His name is Lex Luthor.”

      Moira had come in to pour herself a cup of coffee. She yawned as she tipped the coffee pot. Even though she had been in a catatonic state for the past twelve years, she still knew a lot about what had been going on. Chloe had told her things even if she thought her mother wasn’t listening.

      “Gabe – my husband, used to work for him at the Smallville plant.”

      “What’s he like, this Lex Luthor?”

      Moira sighed. “Well, from what I gather, he was fine for the first few years he was there. A little arrogant, maybe, and a little strange, but he did try to help the locals. It seems that Clark saved his life and they became friends.”

      “They’re not now, though are they?” Paige said with a frown. “I saw how they were in the Talon.” She shuddered. “I mean, if that’s how Lex treats a friend, I would hate to see how he treats his enemies.”

      Moira shook her head.

      “I don’t know too much about it,” she said. “I do know that young Clark and Lex fell out some time ago. Especially when Lex started dating Clark’s ex.”

      “The brunette in the coffee shop?” Piper asked, pouring the batter into a baking tin and putting it in the oven. “She’s pretty but kind of vapid.”

      “Clark went out with her?” Paige said, incredulous.

      Moira nodded. She drank her coffee absently.

      “Geez, and Lex started dating her after she and Clark broke up? That’s just wrong,” Paige said, crinkling her nose. “I mean, everyone knows it’s like the worst kind of betrayal. To date your best friend’s ex.”

      Phoebe and Piper looked at each other, thinking it was worse when it was a sister. Moira glanced at them but said nothing.

      Phoebe was still looking up subjects on the ‘net and had found a few references to Lex Luthor.

      “Here we go,” she said. “Hmm, mother died when he was thirteen. Says here his father Lionel sent him to Smallville six years ago. And, oh, rumours of all sorts of mischief-making before then. All night partying and drinking. Classic rich kid behaviour. Hmm, the only thing he’s done since being in Smallville, that could be considered a serious offence, was smashing a meter-maid’s car with a nine iron. Huh! Wouldn’t I have loved to have done that a couple or three times,” she said with a grin.

      Further investigation found the article which detailed how Clark had saved the young billionaire’s life. Then, more articles on encounters with the locals – attacks from various sources. A brief marriage from a homicidal school teacher who turned out to be a black widow. Some of the articles written by Chloe herself speculated that these attacks were from people mutated by the meteor strike.

      “Popular guy,” Paige said, reading over her sister’s shoulder.

      “Still doesn’t explain why he’d be in the vision,” Piper pointed out.

      “No,” Phoebe said. “But maybe Chloe’s articles can help there too. Remember how she said there were rumours of experiments? What if it’s this Luthor guy behind the experiments?”

      She looked up another page. This time it was an article written, again by Chloe, on the fact that patients had been going missing from Belle Reve. Patients who presented with different abilities, yet also showed signs of psychosis.

      “I bet these patients are being experimented on,” Phoebe mused.

      “Yes, but how do we prove Lex Luthor’s involved? And what would it have to do with Chloe?” Paige said.


      “I don’t want excuses, doctor. I want results,” Lex snapped. “You have all the pieces.”

      “Mr Luthor,” Doctor … protested. “A project of this magnitude … you’re talking about mutation at cellular level. We don’t’ know what will happen, or even if we could produce a viable result combining each person’s genetic material.”

      “Doctor, I hired you from one of the best research facilities in the country. No, the world. And all you have given me is false promises. Don’t cross me doctor.”

      Lex snapped the cellphone shut and strode with annoyance into the Talon. He ordered coffee to go, turning to look at the customers. Checking up on his investment. They were mostly high school students. He remembered a time when he’d actually been happy to pass the time with the high school set. Of course, that had been when he and Clark had still been friends, and the age gap between them hadn’t mattered so much. He tasted the bitter tang of regret for a moment. Regret for how the friendship had ended. Regret for what might have been. If their respective secrets hadn’t caused them to split apart. Now their exchanges were acrimonious, with none of the genuine affection they’d once held for each other.

      He saw Clark, Chloe and Lois chatting happily at a table with someone who looked suspiciously like Bart Allen. The boy who, very recently, had been captured and held with the likelihood of becoming a test subject himself. What Lex wouldn’t give to capture the young man again so he could have some time to study him. His research had indicated that Bart had never been in Smallville until two years ago. So his unusual speed and metabolism had nothing to do with the meteors. Lex was interested in finding out more.

      Wait, was he putting his arm around Chloe? Were they dating? Lex ignored the assistant at the counter, who had been trying to give him his coffee, eyes narrowed as he watched Chloe flirt with the boy. She seemed so happy.

      He snorted. The girl had been obsessed with the freak of the week all through high school. She’d never even had a boyfriend. Too busy with her infatuation with Clark, Lex thought with a bitter smile. It looked like that was over. Clark, on the other hand, seemed to be getting closer to Lois. The Lane girl was trouble. If he’d still been friends with Clark he might very well have warned him to stay away from the girl. But he wasn’t.

      Seeing the four of them looking so happy left Lex with yet another bitter taste in his mouth. He loved Lana. At least, he thought he did. But he wasn’t sure if Lana returned those feelings, given her hesitation about agreeing to marry him. The relationship certainly had its ups and downs and he sometimes wondered if he was only with her because she had once been Clark’s.

      Grabbing his cup of coffee, he strode past the four of them, ignoring them, and went out to his car, deactivating the alarm and unlocking the door. As he started to get in, his phone rang. It was the Smallville plant. He sat down, putting his takeout coffee cup in the holder and answered the phone, sighing in irritation when he realized who it was.

      The plant manager was wanting to discuss some new ideas Lex had for boosting efficiency. The manager was not happy with Lex’s plans and Lex spent considerable time arguing with the man over them. He arrogantly told the man just where he could get off, especially when the man kissed ass to his face and called him a bastard behind his back.

      Lex sat in the car, becoming more irritated by the minute, his mood steadily getting worse. So he was watching when Chloe and Lois came out of the coffee shop and began walking along the street, intending to cross over a couple of cars in front of his, when a man stepped in front of them. Chloe’s expression indicated she recognized him.

      Chloe and Lois decided to walk down the street to go window shopping. Not that the stores here had anything appealing, but the wanted the ‘girl time’. They had just started to cross the street to head over to Fordmans when M’kesh appeared.

      “I have to do this Chloe,” he said, although he seemed reluctant. Chloe thought he actually liked her. She had sometimes wondered with those few hours they’d spent in the underworld whether he’d had no choice but to be what he was. “You should have chosen our side,” he continued.

      “Uh, Chlo,” Lois began nervously, having also recognized the demon. “I really don’t think … Uh, maybe I should go back and get Clark.”

      Chloe ignored her cousin, keeping her eyes on M’kesh.

      “It’s okay, Lois. I can handle this.” She glared at the demon. “I think you’re the one who’s on the wrong side,” she said.

      Narrowing her eyes and concentrating hard, as the demon lifted his hand to throw a fireball, she caught it with her TK and sent it flying harmlessly in another direction. When M’kesh tried again, she pushed him with her TK and he went flying backwards. He started to get up and she waved her hand, forcing him down again.

      “Stay down,” she said. The demon’s body obeyed her command, but his eyes protested.

      “Chloe, you don’t know what he’ll do,” he said, fearful.

      “Oh, I have a fair idea,” she said. “I’m sorry.” She knew exactly how The Source punished demons for failure. She had no other choice though. He had chosen his side and she had chosen hers.

      “Don’t make me do this,” she warned. “Go back to him. Tell him to leave me alone or else he’ll have to face the wrath of the Charmed Ones. Tell him that. They’ve defeated The Source before. They’ll do it again. And they’ll make sure it’s permanent. Do you understand?”

      “The Source will never surrender to the Charmed Ones. No matter how powerful they are.” But M’kesh’s defiance was half-hearted. He struggled to his feet.

      Chloe shrugged. “So be it,” she said. She waved her hand and threw him one more time before he could aim at her again. He hit the wall with a loud crack and lay still.


      Lex stared wide-eyed at what he had just witnessed. It seemed that Chloe had picked up a brand-new talent. Telekinesis, he thought. Interesting. He could make use of this.

      He called Doctor …

      “Lex here. I think we may have a new potential. Wait for word from me. I will call you when I have possession.”


      • #33
        This is a great update. I am so looking forward to more soon. Please post more soon.


        • #34
          Finally caught up with this one. You've woven Charmed and Smallville together so well. I love your take on Moira's catatonia being self-inflicted to protect her child.

          Well done, hon. Can't wait for the next update!


          • #35
            Originally posted by BabyDee
            Finally caught up with this one. You've woven Charmed and Smallville together so well. I love your take on Moira's catatonia being self-inflicted to protect her child.

            Well done, hon. Can't wait for the next update!
            Ooh, thank you so much hon. Considering I missed quite a few seasons of Charmed when Rose joined the cast, I'm really glad this is working for you. Here's the latest update:

            Part Fifteen

            Chloe spent an uneventful Sunday relaxing with Lois and Clark. But she kept noticing something was up between the two of them and she wondered. They exchanged the usual sarcastic comments – they wouldn’t be Lois and Clark if they didn’t, she thought. But beneath the sarcasm, she thought she detected them growing closer. She almost wished she had Phoebe’s power of premonition, although she did realise it could be painful sometimes for Phoebe.

            She called her mother early, and the two of them had made plans to meet up in Metropolis to go looking for a new apartment. She’d talked it over with Lois, who had decided a bigger place in Metropolis sounded like a good idea and she wanted to come in as a roommate. As much as Chloe loved her cousin, she groaned inwardly at the thought of Lois rooming with them. Lois was a born slob. Plus she took marathon showers. Chloe was lucky if there was any hot water left after Lois had been in the bathroom.

            She did wonder if she could perhaps persuade her cousin to either stay in Smallville or find an apartment elsewhere. But after the break-up, she realised this was a project that would keep Lois’ mind occupied. She decided to leave Lois and Clark poring over newspaper ads and went for a walk. Bart had been recalled by Oliver and he’d had to go earlier that morning. Chloe had seen him off with a hug. They weren’t up to the boyfriend-girlfriend stage yet, although there was heaps of potential on that front.

            “Hey, Smallville, here’s a good one. Three beds, oh, damn, out of our price range.” Lois sighed.

            “I don’t know about this Lois. You and Chloe, fine, but all three of you in the one place? Mrs Sullivan will be doing all the work, since your specialty in fine cuisine is PB and J.”

            Lois glared sideways at him.

            “Just for that, you are definitely not invited to the house-warming,” she told him.

            “Hmm, a choice between one of my mom’s frozen dinners and your cooking. Gee, let me think.”

            “Very funny, Smallville,” she said, with a glare.

            He just grinned at her unrepentantly.

            Lois glanced at the clock on the computer.

            “Chloe’s been gone a while,” she said.

            “Probably couldn’t stand to listen to the two of us arguing,” Clark retorted.

            “I don’t have arguments, I hold discussions.”

            “Maybe in your twisted mind,” Clark said.

            “What are you trying to say, Smallville?” she asked.

            “Nothing,” he said, shaking his head and adopting an innocent expression.

            “Yeah, right,” she said. “You know, maybe if you got your head out of Lana land for just one second ...”

            “Lana Land? What are you, five?”

            “Shut up, Smallville.”

            “Make me, Lane!”

            Clark might have sounded annoyed, but inwardly he was grinning. He loved getting her riled up, almost as much as she loved busting his chops. Oh yeah!


            Chloe heard the two vehicles before she saw them. They looked official. And she was almost fooled. Almost. They pulled up ahead of her, blocking her from walking on.

            “Miss Sullivan? There is a little matter we need to discuss with you.” Chloe glared at the man with the military-style haircut and the well-cut suit. That suit would have cost her more than a month’s salary.

            “I’d like to see some i.d.,” she told them smartly.

            “We’re not cops,” the man said.

            “I didn’t ask if you were,” she said. “At a guess, I’d say you were military, but then again, you know I know someone very high up, so I very much doubt he’d allow you to take me off the street.”

            She kept watching them warily as she talked, ready to use her TK if necessary. “Now get out of my way,” she continued, “or else I’ll be forced to do something we’ll both regret.”

            “If you’re referring to your newly discovered ability, Miss Sullivan, don’t bother. But there is someone who is very interested in speaking with you about that ability.”

            “Gee, I wonder who,” she said sarcastically. “Could it be someone with the initials LL?”

            The man shook his head. “I have my orders Miss Sullivan. You either co-operate and come quietly with us, or we’ll have to use force.”

            Chloe didn’t believe for one second that the man had any regrets about the thought of using force.

            “You know it’s called kidnapping, don’t you? And it happens to be an arrestable offence.”

            “You can quote the law all you like, Miss, but as I said we have our orders.” He nodded at someone behind her and she was grabbed around her torso, arms pinned to her sides.

            Before Chloe could gather her power to use her TK, she felt a sharp prick in her neck. Liquid fire entered her veins, stinging a little at the entry point and then a deep drowsiness took her. Chloe didn’t feel the arms supporting her as she dove into darkness.


            When she finally awoke, she found herself in a small room, lying on a cot. She barely had time to get her bearings before she heard footsteps in the hall and the door opened.

            “Hello Chloe.”

            Chloe glared at the bald man, shaking her head in exasperation.

            “I should have known you wouldn’t take no for an answer,” she said. “You know this is kidnapping.”

            Lex smiled. “How can it be kidnapping when the only witnesses to the incident say you came voluntarily?” he said smoothly.

            “Yeah, you would have made sure of that,” Chloe said. “No witnesses to tell the tale of how your goons drugged me. Or the fact that you’re now holding me against my will.”

            “Oh come now, Chloe. You’re free to walk out that door any time you wish,” he said with a smirk.

            “Yeah, well you’ll forgive me if I don’t test that theory,” she retorted. “I wouldn’t put it past you to have something up your sleeve. You always were a slimy snake.”

            Lex snorted derisively. “And what would you do, Chloe? Use your ability on me? The way I saw you throw that man yesterday?”

            Damn, he’d seen her? Chloe realised her heart was pounding. If Lex had seen her use her TK she was in deep trouble. There was no way he’d believe in the existence of witches, despite the fact that Lana’s ancestor had used her powers on him when Lana had been possessed. No, Lex didn’t believe in the supernatural. He only believed in what could be proven by scientific fact.

            There was no way she was going to tell him about the three sisters. But she had to figure out a way out of here. She didn’t want to hurt anybody. The demons had been a different story. And one thing the sisters had told her. Any normal people finding out about the existence of witches was bad.

            She decided to go for the only weapon she had at her disposal. Denial. Deny everything, unless it could be proven otherwise, Paige had told her.


            Lois was pacing once again.

            “Do you think that thing, demon whatever, got to her?”

            “I don’t know Lois,” Clark said for about the fifth time.

            “But he could have come back,” she said. “Couldn’t he?”

            “I don’t know, Lois,” Clark said in exasperation.

            “You don’t know much, Smallville,” Lois said.

            “Well, I’m not a mind reader, Lois.”

            “Chloe’s been gone for hours.”

            “I know that,” he said, sighing.

            Suddenly, it was like a small whirlwind had blown up in the apartment. Clark blinked at the three sisters standing in the middle of the room.

            “Whoa,” Phoebe said. “Head rush.”

            “I keep forgetting about that,” Paige said. “How’s your tummy?”

            “Nauseous,” Phoebe groaned.

            Clark looked at them, then at Lois who was staring in shock.

            “Uh, guys,” he said, “um ...”

            “Oh! Oops,” Paige said, sheepishly.

            Clark groaned as Lois strode forward, hands on hips, ready to stare these intruders down.

            “And who the hell are you?” she said.

            Clark quickly got in-between Lois and the sisters. “Lois, these are the Halliwells. You know, the girls Chloe told you about.”

            “The witches?” she said, her voice rising. He quickly shushed her, well aware the Talon was not closed yet and her voice could still carry.

            Piper came forward. “You’re Lois. Chloe’s cousin,” she said warmly. “Chloe told us all about you.”

            Lois was still looking uncertain. “Uh-huh, that’s great. So you gonna tell me what in hell is going on? I mean, my cousin goes for a walk, then it’s like she vanished. I mean, geez, demons, witches – I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.”

            Clark looked at her. “Lois, breathe,” he said.

            She just glared at him. “You three better start talking,” she said, arms folded over her breasts.

            Piper looked at her younger sisters, then back at Lois. “Phoebe had a premonition. And from the sounds of it, it looks like it’s come true.”

            “What kind of vision?” Clark asked.

            “How long has Chloe been gone?” Paige asked.

            “A couple of hours. She was only supposed to be going for a short walk,” Clark told them.

            “I saw her with Lex,” Phoebe said.

            “And?” Lois said, her tone still angry, but lower in volume.

            “And he was killing Chloe.”


            • #36
              Great chapter. Can't wait for more. PPMS.


              • #37
                Considering I missed quite a few seasons of Charmed when Rose joined the cast, I'm really glad this is working for you.
                Well, you can give yourself a pat on the back, because I couldn't tell at all! And make sure you rent the missing seasons - those early season's of Paige's were very well written and beautifully developed.

                So now Lex has Chloe. Eek. Looks like Phoebe's premonition is about to be realised...

                Thanks for such a speedy update, Leanne!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BabyDee
                  Well, you can give yourself a pat on the back, because I couldn't tell at all! And make sure you rent the missing seasons - those early season's of Paige's were very well written and beautifully developed.

                  So now Lex has Chloe. Eek. Looks like Phoebe's premonition is about to be realised...

                  Thanks for such a speedy update, Leanne!
                  Thanks hon. BTW have you finished reading those other stories???? I'd love to read your comments on the Pretender one.


                  • #39
                    Part Sixteen

                    Chloe had had so many people in white coats around her she felt like one of those patients with a mystery illness that no one seemed to be able to fathom. The scientists had taken blood, checked her blood pressure, her heart rate, made her run on a treadmill, sent her up for an MRI, a body scan – she’d had so many different tests she didn’t know where it would end.

                    The whole time, Lex had stood there watching, a smug expression on her face. What annoyed her the most was that he had threatened that if she used her TK without authority while in the testing facility, then he would ruin not only her life, but that of her mother’s, and her father’s, as well as Clark’s.

                    He’d offered her a deal. Her freedom for Clark’s and the names of the members of the Justice League. As far as he was concerned, they were nothing but terrorists. Chloe wasn’t about to correct him on that. She didn’t want him to know just how much she knew about 33.1, knowing that he’d dig a lot deeper.

                    Chloe submitted to the tests, knowing she had little choice. There was no way she was going to give him Clark. She wasn’t going to tell him the truth either. The sisters didn’t need that in their lives – they were complicated enough without someone like Lex Luthor having them investigated.

                    Clark had told her a long time ago that Lex had had him investigated when they first became friends. Lex obviously hated a mystery, and the biggest one in his life back then had been Clark and how he’d managed to survive being hit by the car. Anyone else would have just been grateful their life had been saved by the hulking young man. Even though they had been best friends, Lex had continued digging. Chloe had done some of her own when she had discovered anomalies in Clark’s adoption record. But they had long ago talked about that and Chloe had stopped when he’d asked her to.

                    But Lex had always been obsessed with the truth and Chloe knew he knew that Clark was different. Just how much he had realised over the years was something she was yet to discover. So Chloe wanted to use the time she had to try and find out exactly what Lex knew and give that information to Clark. She had to protect her friend at all costs.


                    “Killing her?” Lois looked stricken. Piper looked at the girl.

                    “Look, if Phoebe’s seen it in a premonition, it means it hasn’t happened yet. But it looks like we don’t have a lot of time.” She looked up at Clark. “Do you have a map of the area? Maybe of Metropolis?”

                    “I can get one,” he said. “It’s in my truck.” What he didn’t say was that the truck was at the farm.

                    She nodded, understanding immediately. “Go.”

                    Clark left the apartment, speeding to the farm to get the map out of the truck. Meanwhile, Lois was watching the three women warily.

                    “So, you’re really witches,” she said.

                    The three nodded slowly.

                    “Uh huh,” Lois nodded back. “And how did that happen exactly? I mean, did you guys do some sort of initiation or ...”

                    “This is not an interview, Lois,” Phoebe said, catching on to the fact that Lois was working for the Inquisitor and treating the whole thing as a potential story. “We are not some story for you to make your mark in the newspaper world. Just remember, your cousin is one of us, and she can’t afford to be exposed. Not if your friend Lex Luthor has her.”

                    “Oh, he’s no friend of mine,” Lois said, frowning. She was familiar with Lex’s underhandedness. Chloe had certainly complained about it often enough. The point was, she didn’t trust the man.

                    Clark was back. Lois didn’t comment on his speed as he lay the map out on the table, watching curiously as Phoebe took out a crystal pendant and held it over the map.

                    “What’s that?” he asked.

                    “It’s called scrying,” Piper told him. She looked up at Lois. “We need something of Chloe’s ,” she said. “Clothing she’s worn recently works best.”

                    Lois quickly fetched Chloe’s jacket and watched with interest as Phoebe used the jacket to begin searching the map. The pendant swung back and forth. Lois’ expression was sceptical, clearly thinking that Phoebe was somehow manipulating the crystal.


                    Chloe was exhausted. She had been through a battery of tests and still Lex wasn’t satisfied. The scientists had finally set her to work using her TK on various objects. But Chloe was physically and mentally exhausted. It had been two hours. Lex obviously didn’t realise how much the telekinesis drained her energy.

                    Her eyes were just about closing as she leaned back against the chair. Her head was pounding.

                    “Again Chloe,” Lex ordered.

                    “No,” she told him. “I’ve had enough. My head is aching and I’m tired.”

                    “Well, I’m not satisfied.”

                    “You’ll have to be,” she snapped, “because I am not doing this anymore.”

                    “Fine, then tell me how you got this ability. How were you exposed?”

                    She glared at him. “What? Didn’t the blood tests tell you?”

                    “You must have changed them somehow,” he said, “because your bloodwork shows no sign of any meteor rock in your system.”

                    “I don’t know how I could have,” she said, “when you were right here.”

                    “You always have an answer for everything, don’t you Chloe. I suppose that’s what makes you a good reporter.”

                    She lifted her head and stared at him. “What’s this? A compliment from the great and mighty Lex Luthor? Be still my heart.”

                    “Chloe ...”

                    “Look,” she said, “I have told this a dozen times already. I don’t know where the power comes from. It’s natural.”

                    “Please, Chloe, do I look like I came down in the last meteor shower? You are manipulating the results somehow.”

                    “What reason would I possibly have to do that?” she screamed at him, frustrated beyond words.

                    “Because you know what will happen if I do find out the source of your ability.”

                    “You mean the fact that you’re using meteor freaks to create a super-army?” Oops, now she’d done it. Lex was glaring at her, slowly realising just how much she knew.

                    “I’d be careful, if I were you, Chloe. Spreading rumours like that is slanderous.”

                    “It’s not slanderous if it’s true,” she pointed out. “And I know you’re behind those patients disappearing from Belle Reve.”

                    “Then maybe you should check your sources,” he roared at her, “because I’m not the only one who signs under the name of Luthor.”

                    “Oh please, you’re trying to tell me that your father is behind all this experimentation? Why don’t I go dig up the Brothers Grimm so they can write this fairytale.”

                    “My father is a dangerous man.”

                    “And you’re worse,” she told him. “You keep deluding yourself that what you do is for the good of mankind. When really, it’s all about lining your own pockets.” She sighed. “You’re greedy Lex. We should have known when you ran for the Senate that you wouldn’t have been satisfied with second place. You’ve always wanted power. And you want to use meteor freaks to get it.”

                    “You know so little about me,” Lex said, trying to pretend he was innocent of what she had just accused him.

                    “You go ahead and play your nasty little power games, Lex. I really don’t have the patience.”

                    She knew she was goading him. He was getting angrier by the second. “You know what your problem is?” she continued.

                    “Do tell,” he said.

                    “Your problem is, you’ve never got over the fact that you’re just as much a freak as the rest of the poor innocent people you’ve been experimenting on.”

                    “Hardly innocent,” he snorted. “Since some of them have used their abilities to kill for what they want.”

                    “And I supposed you’re lily white,” she said. “You’ve lied, you’ve cheated, you’ve manipulated, and yes, you have killed to get what you want. I seem to recall a little matter of a reporter by the name of Nixon.”

                    “He was about to kill Jonathan Kent,” Lex told her.

                    “Yes, but the fact is, if you hadn’t manipulated him into working for you, investigating Clark, none of you would have been put in the position you were in.”

                    “You’re twisting everything,” he said, petulantly.

                    “Yeah, that’s right. Sulk when you don’t get your own way,” she said. “That’s your whole problem, Lex. You’re still a spoiled child who stamps his feet and has a tantrum when things don’t go the way you want them to. And when that doesn’t get you what you want, you manipulate.”

                    Lex had finally had enough. He got off the chair he’d been sitting in, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her against the wall. Chloe began choking as he cut off her airway.

                    “And what are you,” he hissed, “but a lying little b***h who uses her friends as well as she uses her mouth to get what she wants.”

                    Chloe didn’t answer. She couldn’t. She could feel the blackness creeping into the corners of her mind. Part of her was satisfied that she’d managed to piss Lex off that much. Another part realised that this could be it.


                    The pendant swung faster, then stopped near the docks by the river.

                    “Got her,” Phoebe said. “She’s in a building close to the docks.”

                    “I’ll go,” Paige said, getting up. Clark stopped her before she could orb out.

                    “Be careful. If it is Lex ...”

                    She smiled, knowing the consequences. “I will.”

                    Clark watched, his expression saddened as he saw the light envelop her, then she was gone.


                    Chloe had almost blacked out when Paige orbed in.

                    “Let her go,” Paige ordered. Lex turned and glared at the older woman.

                    “Who the hell are you?” he said. But he dropped Chloe on the floor, leaving her panting for breath.

                    “Someone you really don’t want to mess with, Lex Luthor.” She nodded. “Yes, I know who you are.”

                    Paige went to Chloe and helped her up. She glared at Lex. “You stay away from Chloe and her friends and family, is that clear?”

                    Lex reached for her but before he could do anything, Paige and Chloe disappeared.


                    • #40
                      Great update. Can't wait for more.


                      • #41
                        Part Seventeen

                        “You know, Lex isn’t going to let this go,” Chloe said once they were back in her apartment. “Now that he knows, I mean.”

                        “Yeah,” Clark said. “How are we going to deal with this?”

                        “We could always try a memory spell,” Paige suggested.

                        “Yeah,” Phoebe snorted. “And we know how well those turn out. Besides, personal gain, remember?”

                        “How is it personal gain when it’s about protecting Chloe?” Paige asked her sister.

                        “Chloe would have to be part of the spell,” Phoebe argued. “Which makes it personal gain for her.”

                        “I still don’t get what she gains from it except protecting her secret as well as ours. If Lex Luthor is as powerful as you say ...”

                        Piper waved her hands. “All right, stop it you two. We need to think this through.”

                        Chloe regarded the sisters silently. “Look, I know you guys want to help, but this is my problem.”

                        “And I’m your whitelighter,” Paige reminded her gently, putting an arm across her shoulders.

                        “Which means?”

                        “Which means until such time as the Elders think you can handle yourself against this type of danger, consider me, no us,” she said, looking at her sisters, “your guardian angels.”

                        It was just a matter of time before Lex tried something again. And they didn’t have to wait long. Chloe insisted on going back to work at the Daily Planet. The three sisters stood by anxiously in the apartment in the Talon, having set up a small transmitter so they could hear everything that was going on.

                        Lex walked in mid-afternoon. He glared at Chloe.

                        “Back to work already?”

                        “I still have a job Lex. Unlike some people, I actually have to work for a living.”

                        “I could change that,” Lex offered, obviously trying to charm her. “With your ability, the sky’s the limit.”

                        “What exactly are you suggesting, Lex?”

                        “You and that woman? By the way, I know who she is. I could expose her and her sisters unless you all come to work for me.”

                        “Blackmail, Lex? Gee, and here I thought I’d actually give you the benefit of the doubt.”

                        “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Chloe.”

                        “You know why some of the great leaders of the world became great leaders, Lex?”

                        Lex waved his hand. “Enlighten me.”

                        “They had charisma. You might think you can charm your way out of a paper bag, Lex, but there’s a very good reason why you’ll never achieve what your namesake did. You’ve got nothing to work with. The truth is, you’re the biggest freak out of all of us. And I wouldn’t work for you, or with you, for all the money in the world.”

                        So there, she thought.

                        “Maybe not money,” Lex smirked. “But I’m sure there are other tools I have to bargain with. Like your family and friends, for instance.”

                        “You’ve named that tune already Lex,” Chloe sighed. “And who’s to say I couldn’t expose you for illegal experimentation on humans. I’m sure they’d believe me more, especially when I’ve got testimony already from a couple of staff members at Belle Reve about how you paid, i.e. bribed them to give you patient records. Now I wonder what headline they’d use for when they put you away. And Lana. What would she think?”

                        One look at Lex’s expression and she knew she’d won, or at least manoeuvred him into a corner. It was, at the very least, a stalemate. Lex knew that she knew that given his mental history, they’d be more likely to see him as delusional. Even if he found a way to discredit her evidence against him, or falsify documents, there would still be enough to cast aspersions on his credibility.

                        Listening in to this, the three sisters smiled at each other. There was no need to run interference. Chloe had won. Lex Luthor would not bother her again.

                        One Month Later

                        “Mom? What do you want us to do with this box?”

                        “What’s the label on it,” Moira asked from the kitchen.

                        “Uh, it says b/room. And it’s really heavy.”

                        Moira came out to the living room of the new apartment and glanced at the box in Chloe’s arms.

                        “Oh,” she laughed. “Bedroom honey. It’s just some books.” She went back to unpacking in the kitchen while Lois and Clark came in through the door.

                        “Smallville, you sure that box isn’t too heavy?” Lois asked. She was carrying her own box of stuff, having persuaded Chloe and her mother that they needed a third person to help pay the rent.

                        “Yeah, Stretch. Need a hand?” Bart snuck in through the door and grabbed a handful of cookies the girls had bought from the local store. Moira tried to smack him on the hand, then sighed when he dodged, laughing.

                        “I swear Bart. Between you and Clark, you’ll eat us out of house and home.”

                        “It’s a good thing Oliver helped you get that job, Mom,” Chloe grinned. She concentrated on the plate of cookies and used her TK to grab one.

                        “Chloe, stop that, you’ll wear yourself out.”

                        “It’s just a cookie Mom,” Chloe said, around the treat in her mouth. “Besides, Piper says I need to practice.”

                        “She also says having powers is no excuse for laziness. You want something, get on your feet and get it.”

                        “Yes mother,” Chloe sighed, her tone irritated. But she smiled.
                        THE END


                        • #42
                          Yay, Paige!

                          Poor Chloe. She certainly is feisty with Lex, though. Chlex are so awesome. There's just something about them that screams 'guilty pleasure!'

                          “You always have an answer for everything, don’t you Chloe. I suppose that’s what makes you a good reporter.”

                          She lifted her head and stared at him. “What’s this? A compliment from the great and mighty Lex Luthor? Be still my heart.”

                          Ha! And then she goes on to really rattle his cage until he all but kills her. Go Chloe!

                          Great update, Leanne!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by BabyDee

                            Poor Chloe. She certainly is feisty with Lex, though. Chlex are so awesome. There's just something about them that screams 'guilty pleasure!'

                            Ooh don't tempt me. Okay, you're tempting me. I have a good mind to write a Chlex - when I can stop obsessing over other fics, sigh!


                            • #44
                              Ooh don't tempt me. Okay, you're tempting me. I have a good mind to write a Chlex - when I can stop obsessing over other fics, sigh!
                              You're expanding your repertoire, honey - I think it's great! And Chlex in your able hands will be off-the-charts smokin' hot! *prod-prod!*


                              • #45
                                This is great! Any chance for a sequel?

