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What is Worf really up to?

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  • What is Worf really up to?

    It appears surgically altered Worf traveled back in time to change the course of human history....why didn't we see this coming, all the signs were there... lol

    Perhaps this is how the Eugenics Wars started and Worf is trying to stop the rise of Khan...heh

    from wiki:

    The Eugenics Wars: The progeny of a human genetic engineering project established themselves as supermen and attempted world domination. The most notable of them, Khan Noonien Singh, conquered a quarter of the planet, mostly Asia.

    (Sounds sort of like what's going on on Heroes, doesn' it. lol)

  • #2
    That is funny!


    • #3

      The question is, exactly how many temporal prime directives is this guy willing to break? And who put him up to it? Was it Picard? I think it was Picard.

      Picard: Make it so, Mr. Worf.
      Worf: Make WHAT so, sir?
      Picard: Go back in time as a human, assume the Presidency of the United States, and erase Khan's existence. Duh.
      (Worf's eyes light up in excitement. His mouth begins to water.)
      Worf: Khan....ohhhhh, HE was a GREAT would be an honor to erase him for you, sir!
      Picard: Good. You do that. If you need me, I'll be in Holodeck 1. Vulcan Love Slave Volume 7 just came out.

      Scene from an episode later in the season:

      Worf: YOU, Sylar, are withOUT honor.
      Sylar: What are you, some kind of hero? I hate heroes.
      Worf: I am Klingon! We are ALL heroes.
      Sylar: Well then I hate Klingons.
      Worf: Grrrrrr.....DEFEND YOURSELF!
      Sylar: I'm going to enjoy eating your delicious brain...
      Worf: But I thought you didn't actually do that?
      Sylar: I don't, I'm just hungry. I skipped lunch today.


      • #4
        Maybe it was Data or someone.

